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Inserting Content Version via Community User in test class Failing

I think this is very straight forward I just can't figure out the issue behind it. Error: : Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, You do ...
Snorlax's user avatar
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Unable to insert ContentVersion record in future method in apex [duplicate]

In a partner Community, I am inserting a ContentVersion record before doing future callout and also inserting ContentVersion record within future callout . I am able to insert ContentVersion record ...
sfdc07's user avatar
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No such column 'ContentDownloadUrl' on entity 'ContentDistribution'

When I am trying to query ContentDownloadUrl on the entity ContentDistribution I am getting the error as 'No such column 'ContentDownloadUrl' on entity 'ContentDistribution'. But when I am executing ...
bhavishya arora's user avatar
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How to add a new image file into ContentVersion using Apex?

I have a URL which is a PNG file which is hosted on external cloud and I would like to create a new file with this image in my salesforce opportunity object as a file. Could anyone point me on how to ...
user3920709's user avatar
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When and If, Does the 'version' in ContentVersion Change?

I'm using the lightning-file-upload component to upload files (wow). My question is: is it safe to add a custom lookup relationship on the ContentVersion object? I guess I don't really understand the '...
Carl-Johan's user avatar
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How to create a public Url for an attachment? [duplicate]

I used a lightning:fileUpload to insert a file into the Attachment object: <lightning:fileUpload recordId="{!v.patientId}" aura:id="fuploader" name="files&...
Jayesh Babu's user avatar
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Content Version SOQL - WIth custom field in the Where clause Return as null

I have a custom field on Content Version - but When I try to have a SOQL and receive the data its return as null. The next line is working : ContentVersion testContentInsert = new ContentVersion(); ...
Salvation's user avatar
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ContentVersion apex decoding [closed]

we are saving a docx and pdf files in contentversion. But having issue in decoding it back. Blob.tostring doesnt work as the files encoding is not in the UTF-8 formatting. Can you please help me ...
Anu2112's user avatar
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upload a file in VF page to content Version is broken

I have a huge and complex vf page ( site) - So I will try to explain my issue with an example instead publish here all the code - I hope it will be understanble: I want to upload a file from ...
Salvation's user avatar
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How to download files, documents (attachments) in salesforce via apex?

I want to download all files associated with records (single or multiple records) of a particular object at one click, using apex. Let's say that there is a custom object myVehicle which holds ...
Pankaj Singh's user avatar
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Prevent files from being duplicated ContentVersion - ContentDocumentLink

I have button, when click on it, it'll generate a doc and stock it in Files I want to > when i click on that button again, the doc will not be duplicated Code ContentVersion contVer = new ...
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BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string for the Contentversion of einstein_platform.pem file

In Einstein Playground app developed by the Salesforce Lab, I have uploaded the einstein platform service private key file named einstein_platform.pem to complete my einstein platform service setup. ...
Md. Abdur Razzak's user avatar
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File saved using ContentVersion appears distorted or low quality

Using this link - Convert into a JSON string I was able to get the file data. I form a JSON with like - {'fileName':xyz.jpeg,'file': <fileContent>} and pass it to an Apex ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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Transfer Notes and Attachments from One Object to Another

need help figuring our my batch job that moves Notes and Attachments from one object(dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c), to its related Account, then delete the notes and attachments after they are moved. I ...
Colby Flye's user avatar
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Test Class for ContentDocumentLink causing Internal Salesforce Error

I have a test class that is inserting a ContentDocumentLink between a ContentNote (SNOTE) and a custom object. Everytime I try the insert it causes an Internal Salesforce Error. I have absolutely ...
ScottH7a9's user avatar
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Report on Notes and Files that are shared with accounts

I have a requirement where I need to get the file names or count of files that are uploaded under each account in Salesforce. I understood that the notes and attachments can be queried from content ...
Skumar's user avatar
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Why Blob equals doesn't work if one of the Blobs is retrieved from ContentDocument?

In brief, I can't test the value stored in a ContentDocument. Even if the value of the two Blobs is the exact same, equals would return false. Do someone know the reason? Here's a unit test to check ...
Francesco Pitzalis's user avatar
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In Apex, how do I know if my user can contribute content to a particular library?

Is there a way to discover if the current user can publish content to a specific Library using either Apex or Javascript? Use Case I have a shared library (DeveloperName = Shared_Forms) that many ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Is it possible to customize the error message that appears when the user is unable to upload a file?

I'm trying to make a trigger that prevents the user from uploading a file that is larger than 100mb. I'm doing this by checking the file size in the ContentVersion trigger and using addError. However,...
Ian Horner's user avatar
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Email notification on ContentVersion object

I am sending an email notification if a field is changed on Content Version object through Apex as we cannot create Workflows/processbuilder on Contentversion object. In my Apex code, I am referring ...
joshallen's user avatar
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Unable to access versionData from test class

I am facing an issue but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm writing a test class for a code which has this 2 lines: public static Blob getPkpass(){ // more code here... List<...
Javier's user avatar
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unrecognized base64 character apex

I converted a pdf file in base64 with javascript. function convertToBase64() { //Read File var selectedFile = document.getElementById("inputFile").files; var cvfiles = document....
Ach Jiren's user avatar
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Linking ContentDocuments to Products

I am looking to associate ContentDocuments to Product2 records based on values in the ContentVersion record. For example I am uploading a new File record in Salesforce that is a document about ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Error while inserting a new revision of a file programatically

I am trying to upload a new revision of a file in ContentVersion object programmatically by Apex. I am getting the below error while inserting a new record of ContentVersion. 15:21:52:424 ...
nica's user avatar
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Stuck writing a test class for ContentDocumentLink object apex trigger

I am trying to write a test class so that I can send the following trigger live in our production system: trigger updateDocTitleFileExt on ContentDocumentLink (after insert) { for (...
Julian Davis's user avatar
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Field not writable: ContentVersion.FileType

In the following test method: static testMethod void testEmailWithAttachments() { ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion(); contentVersion.FileType = 'Text'; ...
sfdcadmdev's user avatar
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How to create a new contentversion(pdf) using the existing contentversion(word) version data

I want to generate the pdf file using word document. I was trying to create the new contentversion(pdf) using the existing contentversion(word) versiondata. However, the pdf is not opening after ...
bhaskar b's user avatar
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ContentVersion - Problem with base64 encoding when creating the record

I am writing a WS which gets a request base64 String & other parameters which should be used to create ContentVersion record. I tried the following from dev console. When I user base64Encode ...
SF Learner's user avatar
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ContentVersion FileExtension

Does anyone know how I can change the FileExtension for a new ContentVersion in a test class? Im currently trying to create a test class for my ContentDocumentLink Trigger, in which I have an if ...
Tim Werner's user avatar
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Is it possible to download archived contentversion or contentDocument

I am having a hard time downloading a contentversion/contentdocument where contentdocument is already archived. I am trying to download the file by hitting rest endpoint services/data/v44.0/...
lambad's user avatar
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ContentVersion file not viewable to Guest Site User

I have Salesforce Files associated with a Contact that I'd like to pluck out the ContentVersion Id in order to display the image on a public-facing Visualforce page (via Sites): <!-- This is ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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How to query ContentDocument and Custom object's fields at once?

We have 3 objects. OS_Account_Document__c (Custom) ContentDocument ContentDocumentLink I need to query two custom fields (Document_Type__c and Custom_Document_Description__c) from the Custom Object ...
Prakhar Saxena's user avatar
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How to upload multiple files to ContentDocumentLink Object in one call from a lightning component?

I want to upload multiple files from a public site to salesforce ContentDocumentLink. How I can create bulk of files on javascript (client) side and handle them from apex? Lightning Component: ...
Alex Andreadis's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I set the ContentVersion.FileType when creating new File via Apex?

I'm working on a webservice to create new Salesforce Files. To validate the underlying methods, I manually uploaded a PNG file, which shows up in the file preview in Files. I can retrieve the ...
Duncan Stewart's user avatar
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How to make ContentVersion public using Apex

I want to make a ContentVersion record publicly available using Apex. I know I can get the DistributionPublicUrl value from the ContentDistribution object. But I don't know how I should configure ...
Robs's user avatar
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INVALID STATUS on ContentVersion create from Attachment [duplicate]

I'm currently trying to create ContentVersion records from Attachment ones but it's giving me the following error: INVALID_STATUS, Documents in a user's private library must always be owned by that ...
molinet's user avatar
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Cannot able to get ParentId from ContentDocument

I have a below code to retrieve parentId of content document after insert on ContentVersion. //get blob body content from ContentVersion for(ContentVersion cVersion : [SELECT Id, versionData,...
JURY's user avatar
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Could not able to retrieve VersionData from Content Version after insert of ContentDocument

I am trying to retrieve the body of ContentDocument after insert. Below is my code.My trigger is on ContentDocument (After Insert) public static void syncContentDocument(List<ContentDocument> ...
JURY's user avatar
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"No preview available" after uploading ContentVersion with Lightning

I get my test image in files, but can't to see the preview. How can I fix that? @AuraEnabled public static void save(String resumeId, String versionData){ ContentVersion ...
user60684's user avatar
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Related Files Component

I have a component and apex controller that calls/displays all the related files on a record. How can I filter the returned files by a field that is set on ContentVersion? ie. only show files if ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Insert ContentVersion without VisualForce

I've got a CSV file stored on the user's hard drive and I want to store it in Salesforce. The code I have uses Visualforce and Apex to, I think, open up the file and place the contents on a hidden ...
Dean Wooldridge's user avatar
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Unable to get file attached to Account using Apex

I have a file firstname lastname cv.pdf attached to an Account record. I would like to get the file using apex, below is my attempt: List<ContentVersion> files = [SELECT Id, VersionData ...
Robs's user avatar
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content version - clone from one object to another

I am trying to clone File(s) from a parent object to child. The code I am using is doing that but the file type is set to "LINK" while doing so, and I am unable to open that file or it has nothing ...
Mark McGill's user avatar
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What kind of test can I write to check the file?

I have a controller for VF Page. This code upload a profile's image (we can see it after that) and delete it. What kind of test can help me to check this file? I need to know, is it uploaded or not. ...
user60684's user avatar
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Make the test work: File insert, check this File

This code is a controller for my VF Page. It inserts ContentVersion and ContentDocumentLink. After that a candidate field Photo__c take a ContentVersion.Id value. How to check it correctly? Now ...
MichaelLev19's user avatar
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ContentVersion: how to check File Type and File Size?

I need to check Max Image Size and File Type so I can display the correct error in ApexPages.Messages. I tried to do something like this: if (conVer.FileType != '') But I don't know what FileType ...
MichaelLev19's user avatar
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How to convert ContentVersion VersionData to String

How would I convert CSV data stored in the VersionData field of object ContentVersion into a CSV String. According to the documentation: ContentVersion The field VersionData is of type base64 So ...
Robs's user avatar
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Query optimization for ContentVersion

For a project I wrote a query to get all needed ContentVersion records. But after the deployment to full sandbox we have seen the performance issues with it. It only happens for the first time, all ...
Novarg's user avatar
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ContentDocumentID is not available just after ContentVersion getting inserted But available after soql query

I am inserting ContentVersion as following:- String yourFiles = 'Lets assume this is your binary string of the files'; ContentVersion conVer = new ContentVersion(); conVer.ContentLocation = 'S'; // S ...
sanket kumar's user avatar
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no preview for ContentVersion when inserting from Apex

I'm using the following code to generate ContentVersion. String title = 'sample file.txt'; ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion( VersionData = Blob.valueOf(...
ytiq's user avatar
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