Questions tagged [conga-composer]

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14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Conga Composer Attachment creation Lightning Component

I'm trying to generate a PDF attachment using conga composer and attach it to my custom object. Find below the apex code used to construct the URL : Map<String, String> parameters = new Map&...
Shri's user avatar
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How to fetch multiple selected record Id in conga composer from visualforce page?

When i selected multple record and click on the Button then On redirect conga composer then showing this error like:Not authorized. The [a0q6C000005aoY3QAI, a0q6C000005aoXoQAI] parameter ID is not ...
HKV's user avatar
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Document Creation Application

Is there any application in AppExchange like Conga Composer to generate PDF,Word,Excel Documents that will display all the products added in opportunity object in the Template builder OppLineItems ...
jayasuriya janarthan's user avatar
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How to track exception of Conga Document generation in Screen flow or LWC?

If the user has clicked on a link to generate a conga document if the user closed the conga window or if the user got an exception while generating a conga document. How can we handle these scenarios ...
Shubham Chaudhary's user avatar
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Currency Formatting Issue in Conga Template Conditional Statements

I am encountering a problem with currency formatting in a Conga Word template while using conditional statements. The specific code snippet in question is as follows: { if "«...
hemanth kumar's user avatar
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Enable webRequest Permission to use Downloads API for LWC?

I'm looking for a way to know when a download is completed via event in the browser. I have an LWC kicking off the download event, but the Conga solution I'm using (due to iFrame/CORS issues), I have ...
JMRiss's user avatar
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How to query child lookup objects correctly in Conga Composer?

I have a query added to a solution. The query fetches data from child a child record, but when I try to get name of fields in Template Builder, the fields that I select are provided in a format within ...
Oussama Boumhaout's user avatar
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Getting error: Oops, there was an error rendering Canvas application [Conga_Composer]. Your browsing session has ended or is invalid

I was getting this error when access links to Conga Composer from Salesforce buttons. Oops, there was an error rendering Canvas application [Conga_Composer]. Your browsing session has ended or is ...
Jason Kurant's user avatar
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Missing magnifying glass icon in Conga Composer template list

I'm using Conga Composer on lightning, but unable to figure out which setting allows the user to see the magnifying glass icon. This is the button that links to the Conga Template edit page. The user ...
futurtastic's user avatar
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Assistance with GROUP BY SOQL Query

I have created a Conga Composer SOQL query that takes a bundled product with recurring and non recurring items, sums them by charge type, and masks the child products with the bundle parent name and ...
90'sProSkater's user avatar
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Conga Conductor Launch from Apex Class

I am currently trying to fire a Conga Conductor Batch from an Apex Class. I've gone over the documentation and other Salesforce Stack exchange questions. I can get individual records with Conga ...
MMeadows's user avatar
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Conga Template Tabbing Issue

I have a merge field template created in Microsoft Word, all the merge fields and signature tags populate correctly however when we send the document to a client for signature the tabbing goes out of ...
urbancoder's user avatar
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how to assign conga composer button to particular user/profile?

I have one pdf formate conga composer button that button only can see a read-only profile and another button default formate conga composer button assign some particular user how?
pratap's user avatar
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Can I nest these queries?

I have two queries and I somehow need to get them to work together... SELECT Owner.Name Salesperson, RecordType.Name, COUNT(Id) FROM Opportunity WHERE CALENDAR_MONTH(CreatedDate) = 1 AND ...
Brett Williams's user avatar