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Conga and Matrix Report

I generating report from Salesforce to be used in Conga Compose.The report that I created in Salesforce is in Matrix Format but as we know it got limitation where it wont show the column that does ...
unidha's user avatar
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Generate a conga report with account and 3 custom objects

I have 2 parent objects - Account and SP. Account has one child object - Actls and SP has another child object - Trgt. I want to fetch data from 2 child objects - Acts and Trgt in same table set. I ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Conga Nested tables and queries

I would like to use Conga to generate proposals from a quote. I've read that Conga supports nested tables. On Quote I have an Quote Line Item grouping object. This object has a self reference and ...
steeeeeve's user avatar
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Conga Courier: Only Salesforce Administrators Are Receiving Conga Courier Emails

I just installed the 30-day trial of Conga Courier in Salesforce and I've set up the workflow so that each person receives customized report information. I've found that only Users with the System ...
Rochelle's user avatar
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Conga Composer not returning rows from Salesforce report if master object id not used

I've used Conga Composer for some time, but I've a new use case and issue that seems obvious but has me stumped. Basically I want to include a Salesforce report but not have any dynamic filtering of ...
bbfire's user avatar
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