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Questions tagged [conga]

Conga Composer is a document generator that lets you create templates & produce consistent, on-brand documents automatically in one click, using any standard or custom Salesforce object. It is available on the AppExchange.

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Impact of Sandbox Refresh on Conga Product

I’m curious about the impact of refreshing a sandbox environment on the Conga product. Will refreshing the sandbox cause any issues with Conga's functionality, such as data loss or configuration ...
Pravin Aswar's user avatar
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Conga Error: There was an issue getting the Master object record details

I recently moved some of my users from custom profile A, to custom profile B plus a permission set group. These users already had access to conga, specifically a button that one clicks and a document ...
Steven Nsubuga's user avatar
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Conga: Merging multiple quotes into 1 order form

Use case: I want to amend multiple active contracts on one Account while keeping their distinct dates (not co-terming). The problem is I have to manually merge the documents so the customer can see ...
SMAdmin's user avatar
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SOQL help with ProcessInstance related objects

I'm trying to do a soql query to get me the processInstance record and the related ProcessInstanceNode, and steps. Currently i can get 2 out of the 3 connected, but i can't figure out why i cant get ...
Cami's user avatar
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Not able to use {{HYPERLINK:FieldName:DisplayText}} for my conga merge field

I have a conga query. I want to use a conga merge field fetched from that conga query and display it as a clickable link in my conga template. The conga merge field (URL field in salesforce) that i ...
Isha Khandelwal's user avatar
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How to track exception of Conga Document generation in Screen flow or LWC?

If the user has clicked on a link to generate a conga document if the user closed the conga window or if the user got an exception while generating a conga document. How can we handle these scenarios ...
Shubham Chaudhary's user avatar
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Field must be grouped or aggregated: Name?

I'm working on a query for an invoice template. We want for the "main" products to be displayed on the same list and the one time fees products to be displayed on an other list. We have ...
Audrey's user avatar
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How to get Conga trigger to create Salesforce case [closed]

I have a scenario where Conga Trigger is being used to send communication through a flow that is not attached to a Case in Salesforce. When a customer replies to the conga automated email, it keeps ...
Semicolon's user avatar
-1 votes
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SOQL To Get Account fields associated with an Opportunity Contact Role to Opportunity Object

I'm looking to see if there is any way to access the Account Fields (ie: Account_Billingaddress) associated with the Opportunity Contact Role from the Opportunity Object. Opportunity->Opportunity ...
Jeremy D's user avatar
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Assistance with GROUP BY SOQL Query

I have created a Conga Composer SOQL query that takes a bundled product with recurring and non recurring items, sums them by charge type, and masks the child products with the bundle parent name and ...
90'sProSkater's user avatar
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Conga Output File Name Issue populated via Apex

I have a conga pdf generated via the conga composer. The issue is that when the file name contains Sample&Company in the invoice record in Salesforce, it clips the rest of the characters after the ...
Krishnamurthy's user avatar
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Please help with a subquery that includes Order By and a second child relationship

I've learned a lot about Salesforce querying but also have a lot to learn. I hope this question is clear. I have a lookup relationship where Restrictions__c is the parent and Actions__c is the child (...
Lynda's user avatar
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how to write congacomposer endpoint url in apex class

I am trying to write callout to connect congacomposer, didn't get any error but it showing url not specified properly in debug logs. The same url I used in generate button click. it is worked. please ...
Ramani Sreedharala's user avatar
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Malformed query expecting a right parentheses

I have a class that looks like this: public class NWTAttachCMController { private final static String urlFieldName = 'AttachNWTLetters__c'; private String partnerServerUrl; private ...
DeWayne's user avatar
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Conga Composer: set default parameters on layout of tool [closed]

My question can be trivial but I'm struggling with following problem: when I open Conga Composer tool, I have few options to choose: My goal is to set "Enable" as default to Save a Copy in Notes &...
kakaba's user avatar
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How do I query data created from last week's Sunday to Saturday so that this data can be included in a batch process to be run on Tuesday? [closed]

I want to run a batch on Tuesday to process records created from Last week's Sunday to Saturday. I want these records to be processed as part of document generation using Conga. I cannot use ...
user77277's user avatar
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Conga Conductor says Report ID Doesn't Exist [closed]

I'm trying to set up a Conga Conductor (aka Batch) to generate a pdf file and attach it to a student record. I have a report set up and I copied the report ID and pasted it in the Report ID field of ...
LadyDi's user avatar
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Conga Conductor Launch from Apex Class

I am currently trying to fire a Conga Conductor Batch from an Apex Class. I've gone over the documentation and other Salesforce Stack exchange questions. I can get individual records with Conga ...
MMeadows's user avatar
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Querying custom object's lookups' lookup

Goal : To parse Record data into Conga output document from a base object's lookup field to a custom object that looks Objects: SBQQ__Quote__c (Base) Project_Reference__c (Custom Object attached to ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Conga Query get all contacts from Opportunity record

Using soql how can I get all the contacts from account via Opportunity object ? I have my button on Opportunity do i need subqueries for this scenario ?
King's user avatar
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Conga button error: "The name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. …”

I'm using Conga to generate documents which are automaticly filled with information from custom objects and fields in SalesForce. To do this I have created buttons and placed them in a custom object. ...
Ido Young's user avatar
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How to add Docusign Recipient with Email using Conga Composer [closed]

I'm trying to use Conga and DocuSign parameters to add an email recipient to the DocuSign envelope rather than an Id. Here are the parameters I am using: &templateid=templateId &...
Developer Guy's user avatar
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How to fetch multiple selected record Id in conga composer from visualforce page?

When i selected multple record and click on the Button then On redirect conga composer then showing this error like:Not authorized. The [a0q6C000005aoY3QAI, a0q6C000005aoXoQAI] parameter ID is not ...
HKV's user avatar
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how to call javascript function from action function?

found error after clicking button'Genrate invoice' Error:: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ** how to resolve this?? visual force page:: <apex:page standardController="Payment__c" ...
Juhi.L's user avatar
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The conga page is getting there,But Facing error Parameter Id missing? [duplicate]

when i select the records in vf page ,after click on the VF Button the conga should be call along with id for generating the PDF but on button click the window is opening but showing error that "ID ...
HKV's user avatar
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I am facing the error parameter Id is missing,while conga composer from VF page button click

when i select the records in vf page ,after click on the VF Button the conga should be call along with id for generating the PDF but on button click the window is opening but showing error that "ID ...
HKV's user avatar
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Any method to create a Conga Template record in APEX Test?

I am working to improve Apex code coverage and trying to create a placeholder Conga_Template__c record. The test will not call conga but will check for a valid conga template record in the database. ...
debraSF's user avatar
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Why is Conga Queries inserting http:// in my query?

I have a Conga query that used to work, but is not working now that looks like so: SELECT Description, SUM(Quantity) FROM OrderItem WHERE Order.Account.Id = '{pv0}' AND (PricebookEntry....
rodneyaz's user avatar
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Conga Template - Access Contact Fields from Event

I am currently trying to rebuild a Conga Solution on Event to generate a meeting report which simply puts outcomes of meeting and other information for distribution to management for key accounts. The ...
Tony Smith's user avatar
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Want to show an error when the user presses the CongaSign button and they haven't filled in certain fields

I have a CongaSign button that sends a contract when clicked, but I need it to show an error or alert if the user hasn't filled in certain fields. I tried itenter code here with JS too but because of ...
Natasha Ali's user avatar
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Validation rule on a custom button to fire if not all fields are filled by the user and not allow user to move on

I have a custom conga sign button that sends out the contract, but we want a validation rule on the button so that the user cannot send the contract until all of the fields have been populated. ...
Natasha Ali's user avatar
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OnClick JavaScript error

I use onclick javascript to use with Conga Composer instead of URL to check validations. But I do get 'The id parameter is missing' error when running the code. It looks like the url does not get the ...
Jay Weera's user avatar
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how to assign conga composer button to particular user/profile?

I have one pdf formate conga composer button that button only can see a read-only profile and another button default formate conga composer button assign some particular user how?
pratap's user avatar
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Conga Composer Attachment creation Lightning Component

I'm trying to generate a PDF attachment using conga composer and attach it to my custom object. Find below the apex code used to construct the URL : Map<String, String> parameters = new Map&...
Shri's user avatar
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Conga Composer 8 Repeat plain data

I need to repeat labels for rows while merging repeating data into excel. For example, I have the following template: After merging I need it to look like: Using the template above it looks like: ...
nadezhda's user avatar
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HYPERLINK in if block of a Conga Document

I am creating a word conga document where I have a field that is to be hyperlink. The {{HYPERLINK:merge_field:Click Here}} works fine, but I want it to be displayed on a condition, so I put it in IF ...
Afroz Kazi's user avatar
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Community Session ID not correct when generating Conga Composer URL by APEX

We have a solution where a user (Authenticated) is logged into a Partner Community Site ( and clicks on a button (custom APEX class) to generate a URL to use conga composer (and send via ...
Kaitewright's user avatar
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Conga Merge URL points to the wrong domain ( vs.

Is it possible to edit the URL that Conga Merge returns via a parameter? On my Opportunity I have a Javascript button that opens a visualforce page in a new window. This page allows users to select ...
Isaac L's user avatar
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PDF generation in Salesforce - Conga alternatives

Background We are currently using Conga for PDF generation. We might want to decommission our Conga and move to a different solution (for licensing reasons). Question What other solutions allow the ...
Christian Deckert's user avatar
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Conga - Multiple Queries

My new company uses Conga Composer for a lot of different reporting. One of these reports is a weekly sales report that my manager is having to run one by one for each rep (MergeLink for each rep). ...
AGutzwiller's user avatar
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A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered: missing ) after argument list

I'm create a custom button with the help of conga and JavaScript. It usually recreates send an email feature and some additional features. But I'm getting the below error. As far as I see, I didn't ...
Gidy's user avatar
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Conga Master Field to Set not working

I'm trying to automatically set some account fields in a Conga Composer solution, but they don't seem to be working. Here's the section of my solution code: &MFTS0=Last_Acknowledge_Run__c &...
Sam Lim's user avatar
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reports I'm using as data sources are blank

I've got a conga solution where I'm creating a pdf of an order using three custom objects (Order Header, Order Detail, Item) and Account. I have created two reports. These are their report types: ...
user2616155's user avatar
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Conga Composer Template Master Field to Set update is not working

I have two conga templates one used for Quote object and one for Order object. Both templates are setup to run in backaground mode when user clicks a link on a record. I have set a property on the ...
debraSF's user avatar
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Can we override Conga Template formatting by CSS?

I'm trying to format Conga Rich text output field on our page by using CSS, I'm not sure this is possible. But simple ,  tags seems working, but font styling, shading, etc. seems not coming up. Below ...
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
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2 Conga parameters questions

I'm oh so close to having my configuration setup but need still could use a last bit of assistance to have it perfect. I'm calling Conga from a button. Works perfectly. I'm using DS7=1 so the ...
sberley's user avatar
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What is a Conga Composer Solution?

Several of my users are interested in using Conga Composer and I am trying to understand the typical use cases for the product. I get that you can make a nice-looking PDF-able and user-admin-able ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Trying to run SOQL query on master detail relationship between tasks and leads for Conga report

I'm trying to get a table of all the individual tasks that belong to specific leads. I only want to pull tasks that belong to leads with a custom checkbox field "hedgehog_account__c = true." The ...
Ironman_317's user avatar
4 votes
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Conga Composer does not open from Lightning Experience button

I have a Detail Page Button on the Opportunity object that opens a url for conga composer. this is the button's code: ?sessionId={!API.Session_ID} &serverUrl={!API....
Itai Shmida's user avatar
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Display on Excel conga merge

is there way to display on conga excel merge only sub total of items, then the grand total? i.e. Gross Revenue 370 1200 total 1570 the use does not need to see the 370 and the 1200. the use only ...
Templar's user avatar
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