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Questions tagged [commandline]

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sf project deploy start to Production Org doesn't work

Since approximately 2 weeks I have been facing the following issue: When I run sf project deploy start within my VS Code terminal, the code gets "deployed". Meaning the command executes as ...
RPlantinga_MySolution's user avatar
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Data command missing in sf CLI [duplicate]

I am not able see "data" in sf command CLI Can you help me why I am not able to see
Saro's user avatar
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Running the Data Loader from the command line

I'm trying to setup a scheduled export with the data loader. I'm trying to follow the instructions provided by Salesforce here but can't get past Step 1. Has anyone had a similar issue trying to ...
MattcG91's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I check Salesforce CLI Release notes right within the terminal?

I want to find and read about all the new features and enhancements in the Salesforce CLI every time I decide to upgrade to the latest. Is there a command that I can execute to read the Salesforce CLI ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
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CLI Unification: Is there an 'sf' equivalent of 'sfdx' --dev-debug?

I run into an issue authenticating a Salesforce org with the new sf executable. Using sf login org -a myAlias giving me an this error: JsonParseError: Unexpected end of JSON input For sfdx it was ...
Christian Menzinger's user avatar
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How to combine/manage all aliases for the same org

I have a trailhead playground org (not a scratch org) for which I've created multiple aliases and now I'd like to know how I can keep one and delete all the others using the Salesforce CLI? Also, is ...
Bahman.A's user avatar
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Does SSO login works with Data Loader CLI? [duplicate]

For security reasons we are establishing SSO login to the entire org but we are facing an issue coming to Data loader CLI users. In CLI the username and password are provided in the process-conf files,...
Salesforce User's user avatar
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Command line Data Loader for scheduled import of parent and child records

I am struggling with an urgent issue related to periodically scheduling data import using Dataloder CLI. We are planning to use command line DataLoader for scheduling the data load for multiple ...
SFDCUser's user avatar
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OAuth+SSO login works with Data Loader GUI but not Data Loader CLI

GUI On my Windows machine, I can login with GUI Data Loader 44.0.0 without providing a username and password, by choosing "OAuth" and "Production" environment and clicking "...
Ryierth's user avatar
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Data Loader - Command Line - Field Aliases

I am trying to extract data using Data Loader command line but can't get aliases to work. The following SOQL query will work perfectly fine in the Developer console: Select Hub_Name__r.Name ...
Matt M's user avatar
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Dataloader via Command Line cannot export out fields like Id and formula fields

I am currently using a batch script I wrote up to export out multiple standard/custom objects out daily so I need to use Dataloader Command Line to accomplish my job. However I noticed that ...
compski's user avatar
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Dataloader Command line error

I need to be able to run Data Loader from the command line (we need a scheduled import/export of data once per day). I created the conf file but get the error message below when I run the proccess.bat ...
ScottH7a9's user avatar
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Error in process.bat step FileNotfoundException

I am following Dataloader Command Prompt. I have completed all earlier steps but facing some errors in process.bat part C:\DLTest\process.xml\process-conf.xml My ...
Vignesh L's user avatar
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encrypt.bat -g "seedtext" doesnt work in command line

I am trying to load some data using command prompt, but I cant able to encrypt using encrypt.bat -g "seedtext", below the snippet, encrypt.bat -g accs command promts shows "unsupported option -g", ...
Vignesh L's user avatar
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Data Loader Command line: fields are not validated and then insert is not performed correctly

I am currently using a powershell script to run a data loader command line insert job. The process appears to run correctly, and shows all records successfully inserted. However, when referenced in ...
Fischer Jemison's user avatar
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Salesforce DX, ERROR when retrieving metadata with colon on its name

When doing a sfdx force:source:pull command from my scracth org I can't save on my local filesystem a resource that contains ":" on it. I'm running on Windows Environment and the following image ...
Leandro Ferreira Fernandes's user avatar
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Automating CSV Uploads into Einstein Analytics with Wave DatasetUtils

According to this Trailblazer Community Post, the Wave DatasetUtils tool can be used to automate csv uploads into Einstein Analytics (the user lists this option alongside automating via Apex). ...
Gabriel Rivera's user avatar
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Get report output via command line script

I'm trying to write a script which I can run daily (from a cron job), to fetch some report output and pipe into another system. Currently I have a basic PHP script which work, but only from the ...
Rabin's user avatar
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AUTH not working with DX and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

I am trying to setup the 'best' environment for using DX for all my development work, specifically the 'best' Command Line tool. I am running Windows 10 and use Illuminated Cloud + Webstorm as my ...
BritishBoyinDC's user avatar
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DataLoader CLI Could not find main class FindJavaRunner

Okay, so currently, I'm trying to create an AutoIt script that would RunWait a command to run a Data Loader upsert. However, I've been running into several issues with running the process.bat batch ...
Nate Briggs's user avatar
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Extract Data from Salesforce from command line

I want to extract data from Salesforce from command line. I can use data loader by creating process-config file but I need to automate this process using windows batch file. For example, I have 5 ...
LearningMacro's user avatar
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Importing the data using command line data loader for multiple objects is possible by adding multiple beans (process.xml)?

Importing the data using command line data loader for multiple objects is possible by adding multiple beans in process.xml ?
PARVEEN SULTHANA's user avatar
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Data Loader Command Line Extract Issue

I am working on extracting the Partner data from Salesforce using the Data Loader using the command line. I have done upserts using the Data Loader command line however I seem to be running into ...
Dan Kowalski's user avatar
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Command Line DataLoader Mapping constant and column value to Salesforce field

In the mapping file for command line data loader we can map column name to the salesforce field BillingCountry=BillingCountry or a constant value to the salesforce field "United\ States"=...
Vigneshwaran G's user avatar
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How to capture Data Loader error when called from Shell script via SSIS package?

Salesforce Gurus: Thank you in advance for any insights you may have. For years now I have been extracting data from a custom Salesforce object named Branches__c using the following method... ...
Jon Jaussi's user avatar
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process.conf.xml bind parameter in SOQL in API Dataloader CLI

I'm building a process.conf file to extract delta view records from Salesforce. my SOQL is looking like this now : <entry key="sfdc.extractionSOQL" value="SELECT Id,FirstName, LastName FROM ...
Dimitri Van Looy's user avatar
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Data Loader cmd line

I am getting this error when trying to authenticate into the cmd line interface for Data loader. I have read some previous threads on making sure Java and data loader are up to date. I have updated ...
Allen Mann's user avatar
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Auto Data Loader using CLI uploading dates one day back

I'm using ant to operate auto data loader with the CLI. The dates that I load are uploading with one day back. I set a variable that get the GMT value but still it isnt working Here is my process-...
Alon Segal's user avatar
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Command Line Apex Data Loader

any one worked on command Line apex data loader in windows system, I got an error, when I am checking the Verify encrypted command. C:\Program files\\data loader\bin>Encrypt.bat –v I ...
SFDC's user avatar
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Scripted dataloader error: Expected 5000 to be processed for batch but got results for 4000

We have few jobs scheduled on data loader, we are receiving the error in the sdl.log file: Expected 5000 to be processed for batch but got results for 4000 Relevant portion log is given below ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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Calculating the externalId field value using Dataloader CLI

I have a dataloader CLI process setup to import a csv file from a share folder. I am upserting to an object in Salesforce. This object is a junction object called employee training. The junction has ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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Data Loader Command Line Interface Reading Multiple Delimiters

As you're all aware, salesforce is disabling all old data loader versions in order to prepare for the new TLS requirements. I've had a feed in place for a couple years where our application spits out ...
kkorynta's user avatar
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Schedule data loader

Below is my bat file which is used to schedule data export from data loader but on running this I am getting "The system cannot find the path specified" error. @echo off SET DLPATH=”C:\Program Files\...
salesforce Developer's user avatar
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Getting error when scheduling data load from command line

I'm running dataloader from command line. It is working fine when all my parameter like username, password are in "process-conf.xml" file. Like this: <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//...
salesforce Developer's user avatar
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Salesforce Command line Dataloader - Passing Parameters to Process-conf.xml ?

My currrent situation is I have process-conf.xml, with multiple environments and multiple orgs eg. dev and QA Then an entry for each Object(Account, Opportunity) that I may be inserting for Automation....
Londoner_Tom's user avatar
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Command line data loader error in latest version during encrypting key

I am using latest version of command line data loader (V36).I am trying to encrypt key using below command in command line. D:\\bin>encrypt.bat -g anystring But it throws me error ...
Jack vardy's user avatar
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Data Loader Command Line Tool slow

I am trying to automate a data load using the Command Line tools and have everything working smoothly but it is taking 10x longer than if I do it through the Data Loader GUI. Below is an exert from ...
Kris Moyse's user avatar
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access denied error in command line data loader

I am getting below error.Please suggest me how to resolve below error.I am pasting error log below 2016-01-05 10:59:17,448 INFO [main] support.DefaultListableBeanFactory preInsta ntiateSingletons (...
Jack vardy's user avatar
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Command line data loader incremental/Delta backup

I have one requirement based on command line data loader but with incremental or delta backup.I need to write data on files which is located to other external system.Could you please help me in ...
Jack vardy's user avatar
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Data Loader from Command Line - Upsert Opportunity - Indicate Acccount Relationship Field

I'm using the command line of the data loader to upsert opportunities from an outside system to keep them in synch. I have a column with the Salesforce Opportunity ID, as well as, the associated ...
JeffO's user avatar
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Have CLI/batch dataloader process multiple files e.g. *.csv

Before I go down start creating something or going down another path / solution, I am hoping someone has a done this already and can share. I have my process-confg.xml file which references one CSV ...
Michael Gill's user avatar
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Mapping in Data Loader seems is case-sensitive

I noticed that in the Data Loader mapping file (.sdl) names of fields of target objects must have exact the same spelling as on target Org (mean case-sensitive). Data loader does not show any error or ...
Yury Bondarau's user avatar
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Trouble making CLI (Command Line Interface) work with sublime on MAC OS X

I've downloaded the CLI from and have it on my ~/Downloads. After that I change it's permission to 777 and added it to my $PATH. I installed the "lightning" package on ...
Vinicius Santana's user avatar
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How to insert Cases and CaseComments from Command Line

I need to update some cases from command-line. I know that "Internal Comments" is not a field of Cases and that it is connected to the Object Case Comments. The problem is that I want some people ...
Francesco Riggio's user avatar
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Command-Line Upsert: "Internal Comments" mapping

I'm upserting Cases by Command-Line. I need to insert the content of the field "Internal Comments" that actually is not exactly a field of Case (but instead of the object CaseComments). When I create ...
Francesco Riggio's user avatar
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Error while encrypting password

I am trying to encrypt the password using command encrypt -e mypassword "D:\SFDC_docs\Salesforce-connectivity\try\Key.txt" but getting error as " security.EncryptionUtil main (EncryptionUtil....
Rohit Patil's user avatar
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Extracting Formula field in Data Loader Command Line Interface (CLI)

Need help. Can formula field be used in Command Line Interface ? I have a requirment to automate the extraction process.And i have created few formula fields as per the requirment.but i keep getting ...
nam's user avatar
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Error while using Command line interface

While running encrypt.bat -e "C:\temp\key.txt" I am getting the error below : 014-09-10 15:31:06,811 INFO [main] security.EncryptionUtil main (EncryptionUti - Invalid option format:...
nam's user avatar
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Field Mapping doesn't create all fields in CSV export

This is my SOQL query: SELECT Count(Id), Category__c FROM Case WHERE CreatedDate = THIS_MONTH GROUP BY ROLLUP (Category__c) ORDER BY Category__c DESC It works fine when using the DataLoader GUI, but ...
Ryan McClure's user avatar
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How to upload multiple CSV files using data loader file at run time?

I am using data loader from .Net web application where users are uploading the csv file of records. I need to upload those files at run time through data loader. I tried evaluating this and as per my ...
Vijay's user avatar
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