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2 answers

Query (SOQL) on connectedApplication to get clientId and clientSecreet

I am creating a connected app through metadataservice. But i am not able to retrieve the clientId and clientSecret from this newly created connected app in apex class
Vivek Tendulkar's user avatar
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What happens to the Client Id and Client Secret in the connected app for the package subscriber?

I have created a connected app in my org to perform the REST API call to the Metadata API. Now if I will make this connected app as part of my 2nd Generation Managed Package, Now my question is - Will ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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How to freeze client id at sandbox refresh

Hy, I created a new connected app in production. This connected app has been replicated on my test sandbox when I refreshed It from production. So, I have a new client id for Security reasons I think. ...
Antoine's user avatar
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How to deploy connected App [closed]

I have created a Connected app in source Org for Tooling API when I am trying to deploy connected App to target org using Gearset....deployment is to going to success but functionality is not working....
Diwan 's user avatar
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Why Connected App's client_id and client_secret still valid after a sandbox refresh?

Imagine you have a Connected App foo I've noticed that even after refreshing a sandbox, you are still able to use the client_id and client_secret of the foo Connected App of that sandbox before it ...
Leandro Ferreira Fernandes's user avatar
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1 answer

Not able to see client id and client secret in the connected app [duplicate]

I have created a connected app with below configuration in Salesforce Developer edition: But not able to see client id and client secret in the app. I tried opening the connected app through Setup->...
वरुण's user avatar
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Connected App built in SANDBOX has access to PROD

I created a ConnectedApp in my Sandbox environment (see below img for settings details). I noticed that I can use the consumer key and secret from my sandbox connected app to attain a PRODUCTION ...
Eric Luu's user avatar
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