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Questions tagged [clickjacking]

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3 answers

Embed Community website in a Salesforce Lightning page via iframe

I generated a community page from Salesforce Survey tools, I then have this kind of community URL : Now I want to display that URL within a Lightning ...
kabrice's user avatar
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Embed Experience cloud pages as iframe in external web site

We need to integrate Experience Cloud (Community) page content in an external website owned by our client. The Experience Cloud (Lightning Community) is active and found under a sub-domain (custom ...
Shamina's user avatar
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iframe/embed salesforce into another site

Is this possible to do anymore? I'm trying to iframe Salesforce, in it's entirety for SSO functionality without having the user leave my web application. My application is a connected app and we would ...
Jegsar's user avatar
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Loading a Visualforce Page in a LWC using an iFrame while click protection is on

We have a Visualforce page that uses a large JQuery library that we wrote. We wanted to use that JQuery library in a LWC and so we create a LWC with an iframe that loads the Visualforce page. (We used ...
Rozgonyi's user avatar
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IFrame Grand Parent Record on Grand Child Record

I'm trying to IFrame a Record from my Project Object to it's Grandchild the Case Object. There is an Object called Related_Doctor that sits in-between. When I use the below code I get a "salesforce....
Cory O. Bennett's user avatar
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'URL no longer Exist' issue when trying to open a link from inline visualforce page

I have an inline VF page like following in my application that have multiple links that is created using html anchor tags. <apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="acc__c" ...
Gaurav Singh's user avatar
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Override Clickjack setting for visualforce page

I have a VF page which shows some status value in Home page. In my Org Clickjack is enabled and because of that my VF page is not shown in the Home page. Can anyone tell me how to override the ...
Tamil's user avatar
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How to display Napili community in iframe on third-party domain?

I am trying to display Napili community in a iframe on external domain but I am hitting the below error: Load denied by X-Frame-Options: ...
javanoob's user avatar
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Global actions and clickjack protection

Clickjack protection protects your SF org by blocking pages served from a different domain. Now, I see an issue with you mix it with VisualForce custom global actions. Repro steps Create the world'...
mkorman's user avatar
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Is it possible to create an inline VF page with clickjacking enabled? (URL no longer exists error)

When I try to include the following VF page into the layout: <apex:page standardController="Account"> <h1>Hi</h1> </apex:page> I get the "URL no longer exists" error ...
Frank's user avatar
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Web Browser XSS Protection Not Enabled

I have to scan HTTP Request and got this 2 low level risk. How to resolve this problem coming in ZAP Report?
Parth Thakkar's user avatar
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salesforce support [duplicate]

I want to disable clickjack protection. I have tried to log a case in salesforce support to turn it off (by default it is enabled and we can't change it). Is there any way to log a case to turn-off ...
Prabhat Ranjan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Enable clickjack protection for non-setup Salesforce pages

i want to enable the iframe on visualforce pages.i am going to disable it from Administration Setup" -> "Security Controls" -> "Session Settings but it is disabled. how can i disable/uncheck it. ...
Prabhat Ranjan's user avatar
4 votes
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Not use iframe in Canvas App

We have a Canvas App configured as part of a Connected App, which is wired to a javascript frontend application. The frontend JS app has been hosted in AWS servers. The Connected App has been ...
Subhash's user avatar
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Clickjack Protection

Spring 14 is automatically enabling Clickjack protection on all non-setup pages. It's a critical update going live on Feb 9, 2014. It seems that this update enables a same origin policy on the ...
hemmeter's user avatar
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2 answers

Winter 13 Clickjacking protection - is the following expected or a bug?

Here are the steps to reproduce on a Winter 13 sandbox: Create the following VisualForce component called TestClickJackComponent: <apex:component > <!-- Begin Default Content REMOVE THIS --&...
kibitzer's user avatar
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3 answers

Upcoming "clickjacking" protection

There is a new alert on the Partnerforce portal that is letting partners know of the upcoming "clickjack protection" for non-setup pages in Winter '13. It seems to be stating that if a customer turns ...
jkraybill's user avatar
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