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Questions tagged [checkbox]

Checkboxes are clickable and actionable component in VisualForce

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2 answers

Lightning CheckboxGroup

How to clear the Lightning checkbox group? I tried to clear it using the empty array. But the value gets set to the attribute however, on the UI the checkbox is still checked. Option 1 - ...
SalesforceDev's user avatar
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How to rename 'Checkbox' column in lightning 'datatable' component?

Description: Lightning datatable component allows to place checkboxes within the rows. Checkbox column on top contains a select all checkbox by default. Question: Would it be possible to put a ...
ACP's user avatar
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Approval Process for over 1500 records

I am trying to write a VF page-controller for an approval process which should submit over 1500 records at the same time. The approval is 2 stage.. after initial submission, it should be approved by ...
login2sf's user avatar
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3 answers

Identify User that Last Modified Specific Field by using apex

I have a custom checkbox field. I need to know how to identify the last user that changed the custom checkbox field by using an apex code. Is it possible? If so, how?
lemdev's user avatar
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Control 3 elements with different ids with a single checkbox in visualforce page

I have a visualforce page wherein I have to control two input boxes and one picklist field with a single checkbox. The idea is that input boxes must be both disabled when checkbox is selected, while ...
lol's user avatar
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2 answers

Checkboxes Don't Align on Visualforce page

Checkboxes Don't Align I have two groups of vertical checkboxes on a Visualforce page and the top one in both columns is about two spaces to the left of the others. What is the best way to format the ...
Wade Lovell's user avatar
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is it possible to replace ui:inputCheckbox with an image trough css

Is it possible to replace ui:inputCheckbox with an image trough css. I have searched but could not find any answer. I currently have a checkbox which passes 2 values trough text and name to my ...
Thomas's user avatar
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4 answers

How to display a checkbox field using ligntning:datatable?

I'm trying to display a check box field using lightning:datatable component. Here is the component markup. <aura:component> <aura:attribute name="invoices" type="Invoice__c[]"/> <aura:...
Riyaz Usman's user avatar
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Calculate and Output a checkbox in Visualforce

Currently, I'm using apex:inputCheckbox and feeding it a boolean value from the controller with a dedicated variable since the Value attribute in the apex:inputCheckbox cannot have a formula ...
Avinash's user avatar
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2 answers

Simple actionsupport not working with inputCheckBox

There are only two fields in my page, one conditionally rendering the other. Everything works as expected (checkbox toggles the display of the date field) if I set the Boolean value to true from my ...
SFDC Dev 27's user avatar
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Dynamic checkbox only eveluates to true

I have a dynamic checkbox generated trough an iterator.I want to be able to get the true and false values from the current state of the checkbox. When ik check or uncheck my checkbox is always ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Checkboxes not working with javascript function

I am trying to make a dynamic filter on accounts. What I want to achieve is to show only the records where the checkboxes are true. The issue I have is that my function is not working based on a ...
Thomas's user avatar
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2 answers

Lightning:Checkboxgroup select only one option

How do I select only one entry from a lightning:checkboxgroup, meaning, I can do an either - or, but not select two options at once? I have two checkboxes in my group, and v.value gives the order ...
Andrea Voggenreiter's user avatar
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Community Page Variation Based on Contact Record Field

I would like to make a Community page variation be visible based on the status of a checkbox on users' contact records. Is this possible? Thank you.
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
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Styling lightning:outputField checkbox

I am using lightning:recordViewForm to display case data; And inside the lightning:recordViewForm, i use lightning:outputField to display fields data, like this: <lightning:recordViewForm ...
abdel's user avatar
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Get array value checkbox

I want get all value of checkbox is checked. I trying but it not working. <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:...
Nobita's user avatar
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lightning checkboxgroup get last value

I want get last value in checkboxgroup. I try using cmp.find("mygroup").get("v.value") but it get all value.
Nobita's user avatar
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Input type Checkbox attribute Checked is not set on load in ampscript

I have a checkbox in the page. It should be checked if the original value is True. I'm trying to implement ampscript for this, but it fails. Even it doeesn't show in the Preview. I debugged, the ...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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Checkbox formula comparing fields on two objects

I want to create a checkbox formula on a child object that checks if a field matches a field on the parent object. The relationship between the two is lookup. I've tried Name = Account....
Joseph Noirre's user avatar
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Checkbox formula field based on User login status?

Can we have a checkbox that gets checked whenever a user logs-in and uncheck immediately after logout? Use case I am trying to solve: There are 12 Super users who will be accessing/maintaining the ...
SatyaV's user avatar
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Checkbox Button Group - Checked Option

I am facing problems trying to make a reusable component on React of the CheckBox-Button-Group ( The component is rendering ...
Nicolas Taboada's user avatar
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How do I change the default on opportunity Notes and Attachments to be NOT private?

opportunity notes and attachments are always set to private by default but Users wanted it be made public by default.
Gmi's user avatar
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Rerender on inputfield checkbox

I want to display some fields if user checks the checkbox. I am trying using actionsupport but it does not see to work. Please provide some help on how to do that. <apex:pageBlockSection id="...
user46457's user avatar
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Get checkbox value in multi select picklist

I have a few checkboxes displayed on a page which need to be saved to the server as a multi-select picklist. How do I do this? The checkboxes value is set to true or false. But the picklist has ...
Ant12345's user avatar
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How do I change the color of my check mark in a ui:inputcheckbox?

I am trying to set the color of my check mark. This is the code: <div class="slds-form-element__row"> <div class="slds-form-element"> <label class="slds-checkbox"> ...
Ant12345's user avatar
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How do I change the background of a checked ui:inputcheckbox?

I am trying to set the background of my checked checkbox. This is the code: <div class="slds-form-element__row"> <div class="slds-form-element"> <label class="slds-...
Ant12345's user avatar
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Formula field Not working as expected

I have Formula field called "Active" with output type as Checkbox on Contracts object. There is checkbox field on Account object and the field name "Credit Hold". This credit hold field is used to ...
Avinash babu's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I read the value from an input checkbox?

I am not managing to read out the value of a checkbox in my lightning component. Please find my code below: lightning component: < label class="slds-checkbox"> < input type="...
Ant12345's user avatar
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2 answers

disable checkbox and enable checkbox [closed]

I have this checkbox. What I want is that when I click New it would disable the Old checkbox and vice versa. By the way, this is a repeated checkbox, then when I click the Submit Button, it will ...
Sony PSP's user avatar
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ui:inputCheckbox how to allign with the checkbox itself

i tried to add a checkbox using ui:inputCheckbox and i wasn't able to align the checkbox with the label this is the code: <ui:inputCheckbox aura:id="leadsCheckBox" label="leads" click="{!c....
Dana Griff's user avatar
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Defaulting case comment as "Public" before save

Is there any way we can default the "Public" checkbox in case comments BEFORE saving? I'd really rather not leave it up to our sales reps to remember to check the box... We currently have a workflow ...
Karleen Mendoza's user avatar
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is it possible when checkbox checked show text field in editable otherwise show readonly

Requirement is I have a check box on Case object ISEsclated and one textfield is reason. when checkbox in not checked it's show readonly form that no one write in the reason text field and if ...
cloudZigZag's user avatar
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How to style a checkbox in a Visualforce page using Lightning Design System?

Preferably without using JavaScript. This is my code using the SLDS, but the field value doesn't change or get set. <div class="slds-form-element"> <div class="slds-form-...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
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Disabled checkbox to be true on selecting a record

I'm having a requirement to highlight the apex:column in apex:pageblocktable when a particular record is selected. So I kept a checkbox which is disabled and when I select a record, the disabled ...
Rv1's user avatar
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custom lookup with checkbox values in visualforce

I want to create a inputtext field with a lookup icon next to it and when i click the lookup image, it has to display all the values with checkbox and when i select a checkbox or more, the text field ...
venkatesh's user avatar
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Map two checkboxes to a picklist? [closed]

Anyway I could transfer two existing checkboxes to a picklist? There's a few thousand entries that would need to do it manually. As far as I could see I can't edit two seperate checkboxes to one ...
Brandon Beck's user avatar
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How do I create a validation rule on a QTY field if more than 2 and then a Box must be checked?

I have a quantity field "Product Qty" When Product is Greater than 2, a checkbox "Conditional PO" must be checked. Below validation rule isn't working. Can you help? AND( VALUE(TEXT(Product_Qty__c))...
JT2016's user avatar
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Display/Hide an Empty Table On Click of Javascript Checkbox Using Jquery and Visualforce

I am trying to search anything about automatic rendering of an empty table row for each selected javascript checkbox using jquery and visualforce. The aim is for every selected row from CustomObj__c,...
eagerlearner's user avatar
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How can I make a multiselectpicklist disabled, based on checkbox?

when All Employee checkbox ticked, the field cant be selected (disabled) any solution? VisualForce Page <apex:page controller="preProcessController"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock ...
Vikolai's user avatar
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Visualforce form, hide or show checkbox depending on the picklist

I created a form and I want to show the checkbox option depending on the value in the picklist. Let's say if the user chooses "Apples" in the picklist, the checkbox shows, if he choooses "Oranges" the ...
user avatar
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Checkbox should be filled automatically when comparing two objects

we have the object Preinscripción containing records about which Postgraduate course someone applied for and paid. It contains the Name of the Applicant, the Postgraduate Course, the Identification ...
José's user avatar
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Custom field implementation for picklists with multiple fields

I have 10 category names with 10+ items from each that a user can potentially pick (can select more than one) Instead of creating 10 custom picklists is there a way of selecting the category name ...
TheAdmin's user avatar
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Filling custom field with Queueable Class

I'm new to Apex Developing and I'm facing pretty strange issue with my code. I've recently write queueable class to check custom checkbox on Case Alert_view__c. The idea is that checkbox will be set ...
fabtosz's user avatar
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5 answers

Using AMPscript to see if Checkbox is checked

I'm trying to create a variable that will be true or false based on a checkbox on another page. I'm using RequestParameter to get the information from the checkbox but having some trouble. Here is my ...
okc's user avatar
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Controller object not updating fast enough

I have a list of booleans, and some checkboxes. When a checkbox is clicked, a corresponding index in the boolean list is changed to true/false. My issue is that if the checkboxes are clicked too fast, ...
Aerin C's user avatar
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Visualforce: Checkbox is not firing function onclick

I've tried everything I can think of to get this checkbox to work. This code is just supposed to trigger a function when a checkbox is checked. It currently does not trigger the alert, it only "...
Aerin C's user avatar
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Get the values of checkboxes (in a lightning component)

I have a data table in my lightning component, and for each element of this table I have a checkbox. I'd like that when I make my selection of few element in the table, when I click on a button to ...
dou's user avatar
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Validation rule to change status field on case when checkbox is selected

I need I validation rule to change the status picklist on case object to value "Submit to Client" when checkbox with the same "Submit to Client" is ticked. Could you please advise how this can be ...
sfdev's user avatar
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Handling nulls on checkbox fields in Apex

I have a custom object with a couple of checkbox fields. Those fields have a Default Value of "Unchecked". How should those fields behave when assigned a null value in Apex? Simplified example code: ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
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Rerender picklist values based on checkbox

On my page I have a picklist that contains the names of all active users for the org. I'd like to add a checkbox that, when checked, repopulates the picklist with inactive users instead. How can I ...
SFDC Noob's user avatar
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