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Questions tagged [chatter-feed]

chatter:feed Displays the Chatter EntityFeed for a record or an UserProfileFeed for a user

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ConnectApi.NotFoundException: Resource not found

I am getting an error when using the ConnectApi to post a feed: ConnectApi.NotFoundException: Resource not found. Class.ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.getFeedElement: line 1502, column Class....
itzmukeshy7's user avatar
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Can I block certain private Chatter Group members from seeing specific posts based on record ownership?

We have a couple of private chatter groups with several members in each one but we only want the owner of an updated object record ( using feed tracking) to receive/see posts in those chatter groups ...
user1548875's user avatar
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Create a Custom Chatter Stream from Apex ConnectApi

I love Chatter streams and how they allow me to combine and filter existing feeds. I would like to create such stream dynamically in Apex and found a ChatterFeeds.createStream(communityId, streamInput)...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Invalid foreign key relationship error when referring to Task object related lookup record

I am totally new at this and this actually one of my first triggers so I'm really proud that it is working (when used on a Case__c object) but it is not working when triggered on any other object. I'm ...
Sethball's user avatar
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mention user on chatter throwing error (method removed after version 31.0)

My class version is 40.0 . i have created trigger on task object when task is open its post on chatter and tag a user but the error is Error: Compile Error: Method was removed after version 31.0: ...
cloudZigZag's user avatar
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how to stop creation opportunities and lead on chatter?

i enabled chatter feed tracking for a custom object and included this chatter for the records in visualforce using chatter:feedwithFollowers component. when i open a record in this object, i am also ...
Venkatz's user avatar
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Upload Pictures from Salesforce1

How to make sure user uploads two or more pictures(before picture,after picture) before closing the status of service request. So, I have enabled feed tracking on service request custom object and ...
sfdc's user avatar
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@internal user not working for Customer Community User

When a community user tries to do @mention internal user on record feed then internal user does not shows up where as when a internal user can @mention Community user then it works. Also tried by ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Access user's MY SETTINGS through apex code

For any individual user, he can click on MY SETTINGS. Navigate to CHATTER. Then EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS. There under Personal section, deselect "Follows Me" to stop receiving email notifications when ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Post into chatter group without access to the group

When a field is populated on an Opportunity record I want to alert a team of users of that. I don't want to spam them with emails so I thought to make a chatter group and then post chatter feed items ...
Dan Wooding's user avatar
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The post from Chatter group in Salesforce not properly displayed

I am using javascript remoting to get the chatterfeed details and putting it in the visualforce component and show it using Handlebar Moustache . Below is the part of that component {{#if ...
Brav's user avatar
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Only the first image is getting displayed Onload function

I have a custom visualforce page that mimics the functionality of a chatter group in Salesforce. For each post with an attachment, I am trying to show image icon as the attachment to download in the ...
Brav's user avatar
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Feed Publisher Community and Locker Service

Locker Service is about to be automatically activated in Summer 17. Does someone know what is going to happen with the feed publisher component in the community template ? Today, if activated it is ...
Lucas Ennouchi's user avatar
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Query FeedComments for specific parent Type

For FeedItems this works in SOQL: [SELECT Id FROM FeedItem WHERE Parent.Type = :mySObjectType] But for FeedComment it is not a valid query: Didn't understand relationship 'Parent' in field path ...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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How to control the visibility of user's list when we place @user in chatter in salesforce

I want to limit the users which is showing as a list when I place @username on the chatter on the community. My scenario is that if user place @username in the chatter feed on the community then I ...
Tarachand Karwal's user avatar
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Chatter Post Link Lightning Experience Problems

I've been working on getting updates from a custom object to generate a chatter post that has a reference to the custom object on a case. I have been able to get what I want in classic experience as I ...
Jimmy Hong's user avatar
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Object Feed Tab Default - Details Tab Instead - Chatter Feed Tracking

Does unchecking "Enable Feed Tracking" effectively make it so when you visit a record on (example) Account, it now defaults to the DETAILS tab instead of the FEED tab? Where:   Setup >> Chatter >...
AMM's user avatar
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FeedAttachment: INVALID_OPERATION, Cannot create, update or delete Feed Attachment

In Apex, I'm trying to insert a FeedItem then a FeedAttachment so the Chatter post has a file related with it. However, when trying to follow the example in the documentation I'm getting this error: ...
Doug Ayers's user avatar
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How to change approval request post on record chatter feeds?

I have an Approval Process on Account. Every time I submitted for approval, there will be an approval post on Account's chatter feed like below. My question is, how to change the content of the post ...
Jun Ke's user avatar
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How to remove chatter feeds based on the page layout [duplicate]

I have removed the chatter fields by using " feed tracking" option but i want to remove the chatter feeds based on the page layout (feed should be present for one layout , should not be present for ...
hiSFDC's user avatar
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How can I remove the "Show Feed" section from the top of the Account page?

Since this isn't used at all, I consider it clutter and hope there is a way to hide, or remove it.
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How to send chatter message in apex from a user lower in role hierarchy to a user who is higher in role hierarchy

I'm trying to send the message to the users in my organisation on chatter from Apex class. Sample user hierarchy where I'm trying to send the message is given below: User 1 |----user 2 ...
Vicky's user avatar
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(Beginner) Chatter action to publish an external image to a feed

I'm a beginner to the Salesforce platform and I'm currently integrating my app with the Salesforce Chatter. I want to create a Chatter Action that does the following: shows user an input or select ...
Dmitriy Khudorozhkov's user avatar
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change css for visualforce page

How can we change the css of the chatter feed for my visualforce page? Should we create the complete feed separately or is there any shorter and efficient way for this?
alekh sharma's user avatar
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Create chatter post with mention for API version 37.0

I want to create chatter post with mention for API version 37.0 Have a look over this link Chatter Api Saying Feed item methods aren’t available in version 32.0. In version 32.0 and later, use ...
itzmukeshy7's user avatar
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Has anybody integrated Sitecore to Saleforce Chatter? [closed]

Has anybody integrated Sitecore to Saleforce Chatter? What is the better way to do that? I have tried different ways including the DeveloperForce.Chatter, Ajax and Java scripts, but the ...
Don Bosco's user avatar
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Add Chatter group as follower to Case

Whenever a case gets created/modified by one of chatter group member,they want to see the all chatter feed related to the case on the chatter group. For this I wrote a trigger where I was able to add ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Follow all Cases of Group Members on Chatter

My client is asking for a requirement where they want to see all Case updates of Chatter group member belong to Chatter group.Currently they can see only when users posts to Chatter group. Lets say ...
sfdc's user avatar
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ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds Limit handling in trigger

I want my code to be reviewed and please point me the scenarios where it can cause exception. I have a trigger which modifies the chatter feed on Position__c object, trigger FeedItemBodyModify on ...
Saumya Ranjan Satapathy's user avatar
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Email is not received when FeedItem body is modified through trigger

I have a trigger which modifies the content of chatter feed on a particular object (Position__c). Code: trigger FeedItemBodyModify on FeedItem (before insert,before update) { for(FeedItem fi :...
Saumya Ranjan Satapathy's user avatar
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Trying to post a chatter feed item with mention and as someone else

I'm only able to either post as someone else or include a mention. I have not been able to do both. Here's the code where I'm able to post as someone else: FeedItem post = new FeedItem(); post....
slim's user avatar
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How to use ConnectApi in a VF page having readOnly="true" attribute?

I've a VF page which have readOnly='true' attribute and I am trying to implement a button that when clicked will make a chatter post with some Blob content as element attachment using ConnectApi ...
VarunC's user avatar
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User cannot see new post on chatter

A user on chatter is not able to view new posts on both desktop and mobile phone. The user can only see post of last year 2014. could you please help. What may be the cause of this issue.
BE57's user avatar
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Can't catch exception from ChatterFeeds

I have this code. It still generates an error despite of my catching statement: (max length=5000) I can't catch this error! This is my method and how to i catch exception from it: void ...
user3326893's user avatar
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FeedItem should show to Chatter FreeUser

When case is created from partner Community User(Partner Communtity Profile), I'm creating record in FeedItem, FeedItem fi = new FeedItem(); fi.Body = 'Feed Body'; fi.ParentId = '...
Rock SFDC's user avatar
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Is it possible to use fee publisher to create an event with attendees?

Is it possible to use feed publisher to create an event with attendees? Users do a lot from the publisher on an Account page, but they'd like to do this to. Understand this is changing from a 1 ...
jaw999's user avatar
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Access CaseFeed as a Chatter free License User

I insert comment on CaseFeed logged in as a System admin Profile. I have Chatter Free License User. I want those comments can alse visible to Chatter free license user and can able to Comment on those ...
Rock SFDC's user avatar
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Adding topics to a feeditem

I am using the following method to share a file to a group. ConnectApi.FeedItem feadItem = ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.postFeedItem(communityId, feedType, subjectId, input,filebody); I want to add topic ...
Monish's user avatar
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Inserting Feed-Item with Attachment

I am trying to inserting Feed-Item with Attachment. I know that I have to the put Image File into Content and get the Content-Version Id. I can use the Content Version Id to reference in ...
user1037452's user avatar
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Bulk API - Invalid field 'Revision' on FeedItem

I query FeedItem on all fields using Bulk-API. This is the query: SELECT Id, ParentId, Type, CreatedById, CreatedDate, IsDeleted, LastModifiedDate, SystemModstamp, Revision, LastEditById, ...
dmachop's user avatar
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Chatter Newsfeed in Visualforce page with Bootstrap CSS

I've created a visualforce page that has an embedded chatter feed in it using tag. Also, I am currently using bootstrap in my visualforce page that is already namespaced so that it doesn't conflict ...
sfdx's user avatar
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Chatterfeed post has title displayed in html encoded

Title of the chatterfeed is being encoded when displayed. Has anyone got his issue? It should display "é" instead of "é".
kevan's user avatar
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Chatter Feed Posts / Updates Disappears

Issue: An opportunity previously had Items displayed in the chatter feed above the record. Documentation was printed out to prove that the feed existed and had data. However, looking at the record ...
Eric's user avatar
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Salesforce Chatter import contentdata feed using dataloader

I am trying to insert contentdata (e.g. pdf present on my local computer) as feedcomment or post in a group. but i am not able to do it. con anyone suggest how to do it? I am new to salesforce.
user1037452's user avatar
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What formats does Chatter accept in a feedItem or comment? Specifically, can a user insert html, bbcode or markdown in a feed post or comment?

If a user has a need to post inline markup, bbcode or markdown, what can Chatter support outside of normal text in a feedItem or comment?
Gary Rainwater's user avatar
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Adding Chatter feed mess up current visualforce page style

I need to add Chatter feed into my visualforce page.Here the before adding chatterfeed tag. But after adding chatter:feedwithfollowers tag, my page style mess up.The section area size size become ...
unidha's user avatar
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Chatter Event without a Related To Onto the User's page

I have a trigger that collects Events without a related to and pushes them to a Future Method class - because events added via outlook don't have a WhatId! - and then publishes a Chatter post on the ...
jaw999's user avatar
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Getting @mention from feedcomment.?

Is there a way we can get @mention user from feedcomment.I got the @user from FeedItem.but how to get it from feedcomment. urgent help is required. List<ConnectApi.MessageSegment> ...
miku's user avatar
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Chatter Newsfeed in Visualforce Page

I am using the tag on my vf page but the edit buttons expand by default. Has anyone encountered the same issue? How do I collapse the buttons as how it should normally display? Thanks!
mng's user avatar
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Show Account's contacts' chatter feed on account's feed

Is there a way for contacts who are tied to an account to have their chatter activity appear on the account chatter feed?
TemporaryFix's user avatar
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