Questions tagged [boolean]

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How do I use a formula text field to display in a record whether a candidate has been approved or not, based off a checkbox?

I have a checkbox field named "Approval" that is checked and not checked when creating a candidate record to see if they have been approved. What I'm trying to do is create a formula text ...
Mrmatt2000's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Question regarding "RunOnce" Booleans on AfterUpdate methods in a Salesforce Transaction

I recently encountered a business logic bug in our org that was accidentally deducting a customer 2x for completing an event that only actually occurred once. Using dev console I was able to determine ...
Morgan Marchese's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

pass html input checkbox to controller

i try to get the value from <input type="checkbox">and pass it to my variable on controller but i always get 'Argument cannot be null'. i already try using inputHidden to <select> tag and &...
Febrian Rizky's user avatar