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Questions tagged [blob]

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18 votes
3 answers

Post multipart without Base64 Encoding the body

I am trying to POST a PDF attachment to a Restful web service (not under my control). My issue is that I need to get put the raw bytes of the PDF into the Body of the request and whenever I call Blob....
NSjonas's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to combine multiple Blob in apex to get single Blob value

Is there a way in Apex to combine multiple Blob values and get a single Blob value? Blob b1 = Blob.valueOf('s1'); Blob b2 = Blob.valueOf('s2'); Blob b3 = Blob.valueOf('s3'); Blob combined = b1 + b2 + ...
Amit Jain's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Send Blob file via Apex Rest Callout

I'm trying to send a Blob Apex REST callout and it is keep failing. I tried all the examples in the web but didn't work. What is the standard and correct way to send Blob data via REST callouts? //...
MalindaL's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Why is String.valueOf(Blob) different that Blob.toString()?

I am working on a REST Service that will desiralize the request body and interpret it. My understanding was that calling String.valueOf(objectInstance) would just call objectInstance.toString(). ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Combine multiple PDF's together and attach them in a mail?

As of now , all i have is a VF page which renders as a PDF and it needs Account ID to be passed to generate a PDF . Is there a way wherein i can group all the PDF's into a single PDF ? Should i change ...
TroubleShooter's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Display PDF with Visualforce using Lightning Experience

Is this post still valid as a solution to download a pdf from third-party site, then displaying it in a Visualforce page? This is what I'm doing in my code: Visualforce page <apex:page ...
Tyler Zika's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Apex Blob data chunking

I am able to upload the Blob data to the local web server. However, the I have run into the error "Exceeded max size limit of 12000000 with request size xxxxx" This means that the file size is ...
dmachop's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Make HttpRequest Callout to send binary data without corruption

I faced issues when tried to send binary data from Salesforce to external web services. To start with, I tried to send binary data from Salesforce to itself. I am trying to read binary data from valid ...
Patlatus's user avatar
  • 17.8k
11 votes
2 answers

Save attachment with Remote Objects

is it even possible to save attachment with remote objects to salesforce? I tried this: construct remote object model <apex:remoteObjects jsNamespace="MyModel"> <apex:remoteObjectModel ...
Simon's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Sending a blob from Salesforce in a HTTP request?

Documentation says we can't do this. So as the title says, is there a workaround to make this possible?
4 votes
1 answer

Reading a pdf file in apex controller

I am trying to read a pdf file that is stored in Static resources.The body of the pdf comes in a Blob format, but I am not able to get the blob back to the readable format.How do I accomplish it.
user6886's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Multipart form data post file with multiple form parameters?

I am gone through this post and wanted to add one more form data parameter, but when I am sending a request that parameter it not getting posted into form data, please advise what I am missing. Here ...
SFIntegrator's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

File Attachment not working when attaching crm Content

I have a page where the user selects content (that is 5MB or lower, only 2 attachments allowed per email) to use as an attachment in an email. It all seems to work fine, the email sends and there are ...
SalesForceGirl's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to get Binary Data to submit to REST API

I'm attempting to use curl and multipart message to attach files to a created record. I am successfully able to do so, however the file is corrupted when I view it. I think I may not be getting the ...
Shuaib Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to upload BLOB using the Quip API

Is it possible to upload an audio file using the Quip API? I see in the documentation the API supports the upload of blob objects. I can't seem to get this to work properly. I have tried uploading ...
Jordan Silva's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Trying to show the content field (blob) from contentNote in Visualforce

Trying to show the content field (blob) from contentNote in Visualforce. All that shows is "core.filemanager.ByteBlobValue@225c5e8c". I realize that I must somehow change the blob to text, but I ...
Merry Stambaugh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Salesforce Apex - POST multipart/form-data Content-Type + TEXT

This is the second case that I open regarding this topic to ask more specific questions (the first Using blob variables in apex code) In the first one they already indicated to me a first solution ...
Banzoni's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

List out of bound exception at List<Blob>

I have below piece of code where I get below error. Here b is the List of blobs. Error List index out of bounds: 3 Apex Code for(integer i = 0; i <counter; i++) { Messaging....
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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