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Blank PDF on quote after create from Apex

I have to add funcionality to my class where i can create PDF file on quote. I'm trying to use code like this : public static void createPDF(String quote) { Quote_Setting__mdt quoteSetting = ...
Marko Polo's user avatar
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Use CSS in PDF with Apex

I'm trying to generate a PDF file using Apex only (without using VF). I'm having trouble using basic css properties like width and height, I tried to include them in the head, tried inline, but ...
Json's user avatar
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Is there any way to convert a PDF blob value to string in Apex / Javascript lightning controller

I am in need of a way to get a PDF to a readable string format so I can search for specific values in the PDF. But from what i've found so far Apex is unable to get the blob value converted into a ...
Alexander Atkinsoon's user avatar
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Combine two different PDFs in single Visualforce page?

I have used below visualforce code to display two pdf in a single page but in the result, I am getting two different PDFs with two sections with iframe. Is it possible to combine these two PDFs in ...
Nail David's user avatar
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How to display downloaded PDF blob in an iframe?

I am using a HttpRequest to GET a PDF: I am using response.getBodyAsBlob() to store the data into a ContentVersion I can view the PDF if I open the ...
Robs's user avatar
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Save base64 data as Attachment

This has been bugging me for a while. I think I am missing something very obvious. So from a REST api I am getting a base64 data of a PDF. I am trying to save the PDF as Attachment under an object. I ...
Santanu Halder's user avatar
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Merging pdf attachments

I am trying to merge pdf attachments and sending it as email. I am able to merge them but the last pdf always get overwrite all the others and send email as one. When I checked my email attachment ...
Anu's user avatar
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Alternative to renderas PDF for converting an HTML to PDF in apex

Is there any alternative or work around to HTML to PDF convert in apex? Please help and provide your suggestions.
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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