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Questions tagged [beta-managed-package]

An early version of a managed package distributed to a sampling of your intended audience to test it.

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9 votes
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Detect package type in Apex

Is it possible to detect if the package within which code is running is beta? I know System.requestVersion() can return the version number but it can't tell if package is beta or released.
Mossi's user avatar
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How to check whether an org is beta org or Managed package org

isPackageInstance() helps us to differentiate between dev and beta/Managed package org but I am unable to distinguish between Beta and Managed package org.
San's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is it Possible to add multiple Post install Scripts while creating a manged package?

We have created a managed package which consist of multiple custom setting objects with multiple handler classes.Now in Post Install Script field,We are able to add only one handler class.How can we ...
Priyalakshmi's user avatar
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Managed package takes too long to install

When developing a huge app (200+ classes, because FFlib and separation of conserns), Salesforce throws me an error while installing the package in a test environment: The install proceeds after a few ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I create an OEM package and test it

So I am new to the packaging and testing of the applications. I tried earlier today to create my first (ISV - managed) package and install it on a different environment and that worked perfect. My ...
raym0nd's user avatar
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Some classes aren't being recognized in managed package

I have a managed package which I installed on different orgs with no problems. Recently I added 2 new classes and all hell broke loose. I packaged it fine, compiled fine, passed all the unit tests ...
stefan's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Static resource in managed package

I am using 5 static resources in my org to display a map. <ltng:require styles="/resource/compatibleBootsrap, /resource/BootstrapSF1" scripts=" /resource/jQuery, /resource/raphael, /resource/...
user20757's user avatar
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Data Not Available

I am trying to install a managed package created from my own dev org into a new org, I faced an issue. "The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting ...
user20757's user avatar
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1 answer

Sandboxes for DE Packaging org?

Any chance to get Sandboxes for the DE Packaging org of our managed ISV package? Besides having short and incremental sprints we also have long running investigations. Those need to work on the ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Missing Organization Feature: Tagging

I faced with such kind of exception during our beta package installation: Missing Organization Feature: Tagging Looks like Tags are enabled in Setup -> Customize -> Tags -> Tags Settings What ...
Sergey Teplyakov's user avatar
2 votes
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Best way to demo while ISV Partner agreement in-process

We are working through the process to become an ISV but we have an app written. (I know, backwards) We would like to run demos with clients to show them that we are on track. What is the best way ...
Wayne Lovely's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I make certain app or page in my package automatically available for System Administrators after package installment?

How can I make certain app or page in my package automatically available for System Administrators after package installment? I mean, for example, I have created a package with one application and ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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VF Page Not Found issue with Managed Beta Package

When I am creating an Unmanaged Package and Test it in demo org - It works fine as I required, but when I create Managed Beta of the same package and Install it in Demo org and Test, It does not open ...
Salesforce Steps's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Upgrade to a Beta package not possible because referenced

I am trying to install a new Beta package of our app into a sandbox. The install fails and tells me that "Cannot upgrade to a managed-beta version" because " cannot be upgraded using a managed-beta ...
Klaus's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Debug statements in managed package

I'm testing my managed package (it's Beta now) trying to install it to new Dev Org. It's weird thing but seems like debug statements inside my package are not shown. Is that known bug/issue or I need ...
Mike Raven's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to best build custom code based on Managed Beta package

In the next release of our managed application we are going to deliver a big and disruptive data model change. We need to give customers time to adjust their unmanaged extensions of our package in ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to develop minor (1.x) AND major (2.x) features of managed package in a single DE org

I have a managed package were I constantly add smaller features (to big for patches) by increasing the minor release version: 1.12, 1.13, 1.14. Now I also want to work on some disruptive changes (for ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to debug beta package installation failures

This question is more a search for advice. I have been in charge of the building and releasing of a managed package for a couple of iterations now. When creating the first couple of betas we usually ...
Owen Davies's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to get the latest created Package version from a packing org?

I have a packaging org, where I am creating managed package. I would like to use an API to get the version number of the last created package. Is there any mechanism to achieve this?
Tilak De's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Rolling back a managed released package?

We have a managed released package currently undergoing security review. While that is happening, we would like to make some changes to the tab layout of our application. Unfortunately, it seems that ...
emroc's user avatar
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How do I manage Protected Custom Settings in a BETA package?

As I understand there are two visibility modes for Custom Settings: Public settings, accessed via Setup > Custom Settings Protected settings, via Grant Login Access after installing a security ...
Matt and Neil's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Webserver flow : Using apex Rest API part of a managed package installed in client orgs

I am building a beta managed package in which I created a connected app ( which generated its own clientsecret and clientid in my dev org). Now when someone install this package in their org they all ...
sfdcChamp's user avatar
5 votes
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Error in post-install HTTP request

I'm developing a package with a post-install script. The script makes a HTTP request to my webserver, or sends me an email if an error occured. Every time the script is run, I receive this error: ...
Josh Liberty's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting false result when using Schema.SObjectField

I am using Schema.SobjectField to get all the fields of Account object. I am getting correct result in my development org. But when i add the class in a package and install it in another sf org, i am ...
userRg's user avatar
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4 votes
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More than 1 developer package named 'MyPackage' exists in this organization. Please rename one of packages so that it has a unique name

First I was getting this error when tried to import the package from XML using Metadata API (I use CLI for that). The package with this name really exists in the organization, but it ...
David's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

System.ScheduleBatch not executing on beta-managed package

I have a batch class in which on a specific condition I call system.scheduleBatch().I am passing the instance of the same batch class to system.scheduleBatch(). global class MyBatch implements ...
Sonal's user avatar
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2 answers

Managed app installation on Salesforce Production Org

Salesforce has two versions of Managed app Managed App ( Beta ) Managed App ( Released ) Currently inorder to do a prototype testing I released a Managed App (Beta) and simulated how a real ...
karthikselva's user avatar
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visibility of custom objects in managed package

I want to add a custom object in my managed package. And i want that content of that custom object will be visible to only admins of org installing the package. how to achieve this? Scenario is i ...
Ritu's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Salesforce Packages not Visible even after 5 hours of uploading

I am trying to Install a package that was created about 5 hours back. Below is the Error: Package Installation Details Help for this Page Invalid Package This package is not yet available. Please try ...
user2507024's user avatar
5 votes
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Aggregate query fails when MyField__c exits in both package (NS_MyField__c) and customer org (MyField__c)

This is really a strange bug. Inside my managed package I have a NAMESPACE_CustomObject__c with a NAMESPACE_CustomField__c. In one of my packaged classes I have an Aggregate Query String soql = '...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Updating UI Settings with a Managed Package

I'm wondering if it's possible to update standard UI settings with a Managed Package? I've created a package dependent on some key settings, so I'd like a Trigger that will look at whether or not ...
McD's user avatar
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2 answers

Publishing profile security settings

I have a custom tab. I have decided by default a particular user profile should not be able to see this tab. So I go into set up / manage profiles / theprofile and make this tab hidden for the ...
More Than Five's user avatar
6 votes
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Upgrading email template

I have a package and make changes to an email template. Obviously, if I uninstall previous versions of the package and install a new version the template everything will be hunky dory. But, if I don'...
More Than Five's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Track Activities value for a custom object

I have a custom object. I enable Track Activities for this custom object and then I create a managed beta. If this managed beta is installed in a new org, the track activities will be enabled for ...
dublintech's user avatar
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Flows calling objects in managed packages

I'm wondering if someone has a best practice / blueprint which works better than the following scenario that I've got myself into: Created a managed package in a D.E. org which contains a Flow ...
Emilio's user avatar
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1 answer

Reference from page to SObject which is another package

I have a reference in VF page to a SOBject from another package like this... <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!UsageStats}" var="usageStatRecord"> <apex:column headerValue="AM_Details__c"...
dublintech's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Spring '13 Sandbox error with beta-package install

I'm installing a beta package into a Spring '13 Sandbox org. Previously we didn't have any issues with installing into this sandbox, but now I am getting an error, which our partner support has ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar
9 votes
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Cannot execute batch class from a managed beta?

My project has a batch class. Before I package my project into a managed beta, I test I can run the batch class from the Developer console. My_Batch b = new My_Batch(); Database.executeBatch(b); ...
dublintech's user avatar
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2 answers

Checking your type of Org

I am trying to create a beta managed package. According to this: ONLY Developer Edition can create ...
dublintech's user avatar
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How do I update package in an org that already contains the earlier package?

I want to upload the updated package version 2 in package org but the package org already contains version 1 of the package. Now it might be a conflict if I upload the version 2 package in package org....
Kishan Trambadiya's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Autoinstall Packages

Has anyone worked out a clever way to auto install/uninstall packages from their orgs? I know this isn't natively supported but is a real pain point for iterating. I have soap api driven calls to ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar
2 votes
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How to release the a lock on Apex Class from Scheduled Job

Is there a way to release a "lock" on an Apex class after the scheduled job that was using that class has been deleted? For some reason, this "lock" is still active and is preventing me from ...
ImJohnMDaniel's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to uninstall Beta Release managed package: recordtype being used

This package includes a Record Type on the Task object. I am able to uninstall if I do it right after installation, but if I enable the use of the packaged Record Type on the user profiles, I am no ...
Jeremy Nottingham's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Upgrade from a Beta managed package install to the full Release version

In a sandbox I had the current production release v1.14 of a managed package installed. In the developer Org I created a new v1.15 Beta managed package to test out the features for the next release. ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar