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Marketing Cloud - SQL Query to Return all Subscribers Who've been sent an email

I want to find out how many of my subscribers (who've been sent an email) have opened an email within the last 5 years. I want to include subscribers who've been sent an email and haven't opened an ...
Jeremy Thabes's user avatar
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Send email only if attachment exists in import SFTP Marketing Cloud

I have an incoming zip file containing multiple csv files. I extract and run an automation activity on a specific file name pattern, this is the master data file containing which file goes as an ...
IHaveAQuestion's user avatar
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Using Einstein STO outside of Journey Builder

I know Einstein STO is designed to use within Journey Builder, but I also know I can use it to send ad hoc emails via an Automation Studio Send Email event. My question is, once I create that event, ...
PForsyth's user avatar
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After inserting record's into SFMC Data extension, I see some unwanted texts are inserted along with normal text

I have inserted record's into DE. But after insertion, I can see some unwanted texts are also insered into the fields. Expected: question (field) How are you I&I ? (Records) uploaded records: ...
SFMC Developer's user avatar
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Can I still send back the tracking data of IER to Salesforce even after doing a send?

We have a Salesforce CRM and IER is enabled. I sent out an email using guided-send/user-initiated and the DE coming from the Data Extension folder only, is there a way to send the IER tracking data ...
Presario Fortythree's user avatar
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Adding unsubscribers into suppression list [closed]

If someone unsubscribes from marketing cloud we need add them to suppression list by query or other methods or it will automatically adds into suppression list.
SMS's user avatar
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How to apply css to the email template in marketing cloud?

I have created emails from email templates available in the marketing cloud. To add CSS to an email I have used HTML content block and added CSS inside the <style> [CSS here] </style>tag. ...
Pooja's user avatar
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What would be suitable entry source for my journey? [closed]

Problem Statement: I have to inject records into the journey whenever a customer's status is upgraded to higher from lower. We have a three-status record. Priority Status 1 Silver 2 ...
Pooja's user avatar
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how to use child standard object data in the personalized mail while your journey salesforce data entry event is on parent object

I am creating a journey for which the entry event is a salesforce data event on a contact object. But I have to use child object field data in the mail to personalize the mail. For example Parent ...
Pooja's user avatar
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Missing records after Marketing Cloud FTP Export in my local file

Today I did an Enhanced FTP export from a Data Extension that was holding 8,498,752 records with 166 MB. In the Enhanced FTP directory, a file for it was generated with the size of 203,632 KB. I ...
Shwetha Gowda's user avatar
2 votes
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Query on Email Content/Email body

Do anyone have any idea how we can query on email body/email content ? I've a use case where I want get all the email name in which I've used a certain number 878XXX784741 and have sent those emails ...
darkCloud's user avatar
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Splitting CONCAT data in Marketing Cloud [closed]

We are receiving data from our Sales Cloud instance via MCC connector, and in one of the fields tied to a personAccount - "Agent_Names" - we have multiple string values ( agents' ...
nix9247's user avatar
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how to automatically send email to contact who did not open or clicked email in marketing cloud?

For our monthly newsletters, we get a new list every month. Original send - We have 20 different newsletter every month. Resend - Each newsletter also need to go out to contacts who did not open or ...
kl2's user avatar
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Randomly select 5 rows from a synchronized Data Extension

I am wondering if it’s possible to randomly select 100 rows from a Synchronized Data Extension over 500 thousands records, without adding extra columns to it and using ampscript to do so at send time? ...
Gold's user avatar
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How to create a report for individual subscriber

Is there any way to create a report that relates to email send, open and click data at an individual level in marketing cloud? I tried using query activity in a DE but I was getting empty results. ...
Ankur Nigam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Delay in Journey Email Send outs by 1 day [closed]

There are three journeys running in the SFMC org, one is with date based event as entry source for birthday and other two are with same date based event as entry sources. All the journeys are ...
Prisha's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How to create a Sendlog functionality using in AMPScript [closed]

Whenever an email is sent to target audience , client wants to know which email has been sent to customers and at what time its sent. Kindly provide a solution for it.
Abdul_SFMC's user avatar
-1 votes
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Creating an email which populates an image based on Data Extension upload

I'm trying to send a survey to recipients with an image in the email. Ideally I could upload a list to Data extensions that would populate an image and some text. Each row would have an ID that would ...
Arseniy Chuprun's user avatar
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Query Question to retrieve sub folders / subset lists

Is there a query activity to query Publication Lists to find out what the subfolders are and the lists they contain? If I do this: SELECT DISTINCT (ls.ListName) AS 'ListName' , ls.ListID as 'ListID' ...
Glen's user avatar
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