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Questions tagged [auth]

referring to authentication, the process of user authentication within a secure application

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2 votes
1 answer

Why do we need Connected App ClientId and ClientSecret to get token for Username And Password flow, but those are not required for SOAP login?

Why do we need Connected App ClientId and ClientSecret to get token for Username And Password flow, but those are not required for SOAP login? Which are the uses cases to use the first over the second ...
Gabriel Serrano Salas's user avatar
0 votes
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We can’t log you in because of the following error. Remote_Error: The remote service returned an error

I have a strange case. I have custom Auth Provider, trying to authorize named credential and getting: Problem Logging In We can’t log you in because of the following error. For more information, ...
mattibrd's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Authorize Application Like Workbench

I want to create an application that integrates to Salesforce - just like Workbench ( Every single guide I find wants be to create a connected app. Isn'...
Simon B. Nielsen's user avatar
0 votes
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Auth API calls resulting in 400 bad requests when POSTing multipart/form-data payloads with SSJS

I'm trying to make Auth API calls to an external API Endpoint from Marketing Cloud using SSJS or AMPScript but I am getting 400 bad request errors for these calls. In talks with a contact from the ...
Chris G's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I quickly fetch or grab sfdx auth url?

I want to know my sfdx auth url to transfer it to another machine or use as Github Secret key. I have about 10+ different Developer Edition, Sandboxes and Devhub environments which I need in my CI/CD ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Argument cannot be null error in LWC when logging in to a Site

HTML: <template> <lightning-card class="slds-var-p-around_medium"> <div class="slds-grid slds-grid_vertical"> <!--Logo/baranding--> <...
Ogunseyin Magnus's user avatar
1 vote
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Authentication using sfdxAuthUrl

Trying to authenticate via file, I was running into this error: { "status": 1, "name": "Syntax", "message": "./authFile.json: Unexpected token � in ...
SkyAnthrax94's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Get access token during Auth Registration Handler(Auth. Provider)

We are using Auth. Provider for single-sign on with our product platform. But we need to do a separate call to get other information in Auth.RegistrationHandler but we need get access token that is ...
Anudeep Gopagoni's user avatar
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We have recently migrated to govcloud+ and no longer able to authenticate to scratch org using jwt from devhub as part of our CI

Below is our auth approach into scrath orgs to allow us to login and serve them as part of a "scratch-org-pool-service". export SFDX_AUDIENCE_URL="" echo ...
jschleicher's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between UserInfo session Id and Auth session Id?

I have come across these two ways to retrieve session Id in salesforce via Apex. I noticed Auth session Id not available in async or test classes but UserInfo session Id available all the time. ...
Satishakumar Awati's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why would SSO stop working : malformed_certificate

SSO was working fine, next day it stopped working: (been working for 7+ years) I get this Google Error: That’s an error. Error: malformed_certificate Error while signing data with certificate 7 ...
TheArchitecta's user avatar
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Get the sfdc_networkid when logging in for the first time via Custom External Auth Provider

I have a custom Auth Provider (Apex class extending Auth.AuthProviderPluginClass). I also have a generated Auth.RegistrationHandler. In the sample code there is a line like so: if(data.attributeMap....
zaitsman's user avatar
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Apex web service rest with auth0

I want to give the possibility to our customers stored in salescloud to modify their information. For that, I will develop an apex web service rest api. Is it possible to use auth0 as identity ...
Toru's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

sfdx force:auth:web:login – how to get it to work under Linux Mint?

Can't connect any org under Linux Mint via sfdx force:auth:web:login Neither via sfdx force:auth:web:login -r -a foo nor sfdx force:auth:web:login -r
Heiko's user avatar
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How to implement a Facebook login with LWC?

I am building a solution that lets users access their data on Facebook (like Pages/Ads/Feeds etc). For this, we need to let the users login to their Facebook account while they are in Salesforce (from ...
Apex Srinivas's user avatar
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Custom Merge Field Named Credential Apex

I am integrating with GoToWebinar using a Named Credential to make Apex Callouts. While the Authentication piece is working well, during the Callback to get the access token, there are some additional ...
Bryan Anderson's user avatar
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1 answer

OAUTH_APP_BLOCKED | this app is blocked by admin

I am trying to integrate with my salesforce production instance via OAUTH. When I try to login to production using my valid credentials (I an system admin), salesloft see ...
Bo Laurent's user avatar
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Create own social login page with lightning component

I did Auth Provider and built the community with experience builder. Login page has username, password and social sign on button with experience builder page but I need to change the layout out and ...
sagekoder's user avatar
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3 answers

Determine if authorized org with SalesforceDX is Developer or Production

I'm struggling to determine the type of environment of authorized orgs using the SalesforceDX auth commands. Once you've registered an org if you run sfdx force:org:list --json The output results ...
jonathanwiesel's user avatar
1 vote
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How Do I Send an HTTP POST API Call Through a Script Activity Using Basic Auth?

I have seen a few posts about how this can be done using oauth, but I need to use basic auth and I can't seem to get it to work. Below is an example of the code I'm using. <script type="javascript"...
Brett's user avatar
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Url Validation using Restforce [closed]

I have my app in ruby on rails. I am using restforce for all communication with Salesforce. After authentication we save user url and access token. But there were some cases where customers changed ...
Ayaz Ahmad Tarar's user avatar
1 vote
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c# .NET Example of using JWT OAUTH flow with salesforce

Does anyone have an example of the JWT oauth implementation in c#? Thanks
John's user avatar
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SAML authentication flow, do not require user to click "Log in with <sso idp option>"

I am setting up a client with a SAML IdP and SP for their site, and one of their partners now needs to tie into this system. They use to do so. We have SSO working as described in this doc: ...
LeeZilla's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Oauth 2.0 Client Credentials - Custom Auth Provider

I am building out a Salesforce Connect customer adapter to translate rest responses into external data objects. To authenticate these requests, I would like to use Oauth 2.0's client credentials flow ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What is the proper approach for deploying custom Auth. Provider in Salesforce DX?

I have a custom Auth. Provider and a couple of Named Credential which use it. The auth. provider metadata requires "Execute As" field which is represented as username in metadata and as you know, ...
pkozuchowski's user avatar
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LinkedIn Authdata JSON Parsing Issue

We have enabled LinkedIn registration and Signin for our community users. While providing the User Info Endpoint URL for creating the Auth Provider in Salesforce, we specified the following to get ...
RajeshShah's user avatar
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Writable External Objects between 2 salesforce Org

I am working on a requirement in which I need to write on some external object between 2 salesforce org. I have tried to use the s2s connect but they are not working as Writable external objects aren’...
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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Payment (Payment Connect) records are not getting created in Sandbox

We are using Payment connect to process and manage credit card payments. Recently we did sandbox refresh from Production and after that the Payment records are not getting created in Sandbox but are ...
Rohit Patil's user avatar
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Viewing sharepoint documnets in Salesforce using Files Connect

I want to view my Sharepoint documnets in salesforce using "File Connect" introduced in Winter15 release for connecting to External Data source but i am facing a problem to connect to sharepoint. I ...
Sachin Arora's user avatar
2 votes
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Exact Target Rest Auth API

I'm trying to call the exact target auth api for the first time. I'm getting a 407 Proxy Authentication Required. Can you please let me know where I'm going wrong. I'm using the following call ...
Mike McKeown's user avatar
3 votes
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Auth Provider : AuthorizationError?ErrorCode=NO_ACCESS&ErrorDescription=User+was+a+portal+user

I would like to ask you about Auth Provider: I have a Registration Handler in a DE org linked to my Auth provider, it is working correctly and allowing the external users to register. Now I decided ...
Carolina's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to use Salesforce OAuth session ID for Metadata API?

I am using the REST API for my application. But I also need to use Metadata API. So for Metadata API calls I am trying to use the Session ID of OAuth authentication. For now I am able to use the ...
abdn's user avatar
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