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Questions tagged [async-soql]

Async SOQL is a method for running SOQL queries when you can’t wait for the results in real time. These queries are run in the background over Salesforce entity data, standard objects, custom objects, and big objects. It provides a convenient way to query large amounts of data stored in Salesforce.

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SOQL having single quotes (') in the label value on PermissionSet record is not getting queried using the LIKE operator on the label field

Created a Permission set name : John's ps Query to be run : SELECT Id, Label FROM PermissionSet where label like 'John\'s ps' Result : [object Object]: MALFORMED_QUERY: CustomPermissionSet WHERE ...
Abhishek B's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Async SOQL retirement

I see the note Asyc SOQL is scheduled for retirement in all Salesforce orgs as of Spring ’22 on SOQL and SOSL Reference. Is this a glitch in the documentation?
Jeferson Chaves's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to run an Async SOQL query other than via Workbench

In Workbench, one can perform Async SOQL queries like so: However, Workbench is strictly speaking not a Salesforce supported product. Is there another tool from which one can execute Async SOQL?
Andy Hitchings's user avatar
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How to list all record ids if "SELECT Id FROM ObjectName" returns fails with QUERY_TIMEOUT?

I need literally all the records. Documentation says that if I hit 120 sec. limit then I should refactor my query to retrieve less amount of data. The only option not to skip data but collect it part ...
Alexander's user avatar
15 votes
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How to archive & restore Custom Objects in Big Objects

For my app I want to build a Archive and Restore functionality. For a given Custom Object MyObject__c and a Big Object ArchivedMyObject__b those requirements need to be fulfilled: MyObject__c records ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Trying to query a limit of 100 orders that are broken up into multiple records based on the item

I need some assistance with creating a query that will get all the records that correspond to the first 100 orders. For example the table looks something like this: I know I can use GROUP BY grab the ...
Jebert's user avatar
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How can i convert apex method into batch?

public void addVisibilite() { Map<Id, List<Id>> accountContactRelationIdsMap = new Map<Id, List<Id>>(); for (AccountContactRelation accountContactRelation : (List<...
Farkous's user avatar
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1 answer

SOQL query to get the first and last day of the current month?

i need to pass SOQL query to get the first and last day of the previous month. Example Query: Select Name, ID FROM Audit__C WHERE Audit_Month__C BETWEEN 'previous month start date (2020-04-01)' AND '...
Amudha's user avatar
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Batch Class and SOQL Implications: 1% of the time a record gets updated that shouldn't

pretty high level question here based on some of the erroneous updates I'm seeing (less than 1% of total records processed). I'm currently running a batch class (50 record batch size). It is a ...
thinker's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to map static date field in Async SOQL query job?

I'm trying to use Aggregate Async SOQL to Query Big Objects to a custom Object like below (
compski's user avatar
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How do SOQL queries act in Queueable (async) apex?

I have a set of 4 Queueable apex classes that perform an ordered series of tasks on a large number of records. It queries a limited number of records, modifies them so that they no longer meet the ...
NNPPOINTER's user avatar
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How to query non-index field on Big Object?

I'm learning Big Object on trailhead and I have completed deploy the big object to my org. But I have a question is that: how can I query non-index field by SOQL? I know that only index fields can ...
Zas's user avatar
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SOQL governor reached using multiple strike_lookup

I'm developing a custom lighting component, in which I have a table with 2 columns, each cell is composed by a strike_lookup Everything works as expected until I have too many rows, thus too many ...
Zeno Trevisan's user avatar
5 votes
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ASYNC SOQL "Do Not Have Permission To Query This Object Using ASYNC SOQL"

We have purchased extra Big Objects space from Salesforce which I was advised was a requirement in order to use ASYNC SOQL. I am now faced with this issue which I run into every time I try to Query ...
NevSter79's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Help in writing Asynchronous Batch Apex to avoid governor limit of 150 records

I have a function that has the DML operation inside the for loop due to which I am running into governor limit exception of 150 records. I read about batch apex on Salesforce discussion about not sure ...
LearningMacro's user avatar
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Async SOQL Query - Insufficient_Access

I'm trying to learn Async Soql, and messing around with simple test scenarios. I've reached a block where I'm just trying to move the name of Account and create a new Custom Object with that name. I'...
Justin's user avatar
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1 answer

How to do I enable asyncquery for developer salesforce org

I get the following error when I try to run an async soql query in workbench {"message":"This feature is not currently enabled for this user type or org: [AsyncQuery]","errorCode":"...
ploc's user avatar
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Async SOQL - is there a way to export the result into a .csv file or so instead of inserting into target object

I am just going through the async SOQL guide. I am finding it very useful as we often have large SOQL queries which runs over time limit. But it seems to me that the result of the async SOQL can ...
Lance Shi's user avatar
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