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Access Token Expiration

I am writing a code to hit 3rd party integration system from salesforce. They have their api where they are using username password flow to authenticate while salesforce hits their system for first ...
Shri's user avatar
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oAuth - refresh token flow

I am trying to get a new access token via the refresh token when the current access token has expired: auth_url = '' payload = { "grant_type&...
Toivo Ranta's user avatar
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How to refresh token with OpenIdConnect as Identity provider?

I have setup an auth provider with Open Id Connect. It works well but I have an issue when I want to refresh the token. I'm using this line to get a token. Auth.AuthToken.getAccessTokenMap(auId, 'Open ...
AshBringer's user avatar
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When trying to call external API, keep having to re-autheticate despite receiveing Refresh Token from API

I have an application which sits in Salesforce. The application authenticates using the web browser flow, authenticating against an external API. Upon authentication, the external API returns an ...
Faith's user avatar
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OAuth Token Authentication Issue

Named Credentials is setup for "ABC" and same details we are storing in ABC_Metadata__mdt. Auth. Provider is setup for "ABC" and same details we are storing in ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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Storing tokens for custom token management

I'm working with an API that does not follow typical OAuth standards and requires custom headers for passing the token. Typically I would use Named Credentials, but due to the atypical pattern it is ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Any way to bulk revoke oauth tokens

So I have an app that is managing several oauth access/refresh tokens and it would be great if I revoke all the tokens I have. I am aware of the Salesforce's revoke endpoint. But it seems I can only ...
CodeBaker's user avatar
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Getting "this session is not valid for use with the rest api" error when tried to fetch accounts & contacts data

I am completely new to Salesforce and its integration via REST API. I am writing a NodeJS server app to fetch and sync accounts and contacts data. I have configured my connected app with the following ...
Senthilkumar NJSP's user avatar
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Salesforce OAuth flow - getting a new refresh token

I have setup OpenID to use Salesforce as the IDP for an external site. We are using embedded login and server side callback flow. I have a requirement to set the lifespan of the access token to 60 min ...
Ryan Werner's user avatar
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Incorrect token in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (401)

I would like the get the External Key of the Data Extension related to the Journey Builder. From this step, I need to use the REST API integration and WSProxy. Then, to call the REST API, I need to ...
Ben Inm's user avatar
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invalid_grant: expired access/refresh token [closed]

I'm facing a issue and I can't figure out how to fixed it. This month (2021, June) started with a issue, the access token of several clients aren't refreshing, request is getting 400 Bad Request ...
Ana's user avatar
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scratch org connection vs oAuth access token

Sometimes I wonder, with the scratch org, even if I use it after 2 days, it still allows to perform certain operations or login(with session id). But same thing if we followed with oAuth, it doesn't ...
Ysr Shk's user avatar
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Use token and call Marketing Cloud APIs from C# via FuelSDK API

I would like to call "{authEndPoint}/v2/token" to get the token and then call the REST api to trigger the email. We are using FuelSDK reference file for salesforce connection. Please help. ...
Thakur's user avatar
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Manually Invoke Refresh on Custom AuthProviderPluginClass

I have recently implemented a custom auth plugin provider in hopes of getting away from making a token call with every request OR having to manage the token myself. I am using the Oauth 2.0 client ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Issues with Dataextension

While working with data extension to import data from SFMC into my application, facing some of the issues mentioned below. Is there a way to get the count of records per data extension using API in C#...
Vaibhav More's user avatar
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error=redirect_uri_mismatch Oauth2

I having trouble to create the Refresh Token. I want to give it to a third party, So it can use it to get an access token and send us data using an exposing web service that I created. I tried to do ...
Salvation's user avatar
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invalid_grant: expired access/refresh token with refresh token included in JSForce

I am trying to build a server that will populate Salesforce through a front end website using Express JS with JSForce library. However, every time the access token expired, it does not refresh by ...
jimmy faza's user avatar