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Microsoft access validation rule [closed]

How do I set a validation rule and test that will prevent the entry of a date of birth before January 1st 1900
Nothing 's user avatar
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Issue with AccessLevel.USER_MODE in update DML

I am facing an issue with the below code when executing on anonymous window. Account acc = new Account(Name='AccName'); Database.Insert(acc); Database.insert(new Contact(LastName='last', firstName =' ...
Vaitheeshwari E's user avatar
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Login As or similar

I have a set of users who are not admins but perform our UAT testing. They need to have the ability to "Login As" other users to check what the Sales users of various hierarchy levels are ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Modify All Data - what access/capabilities does it enable

The question may look silly, but I cannot find it anywhere without looking at each Salesforce help article one by one. I know that this permission gives user full edit rights to all objects and fields,...
Łukasz Kojzar's user avatar
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Error details: insufficient access rights on object id

I am facing insufficient access rights on object id while delete document from custom and corresponding contentDocument. @AuraEnabled(cacheable=false) public static void deleteFileRecord(String ...
kjSkill's user avatar
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How to grant access to a flow in a Managed Package

I'm developing a managed package and delivered a screen flow. I installed the package in a testing org and want to grant access to the flow. When I view the flow in the list and hit the dropdown ...
Ken's user avatar
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Access to Dashboard in salesforce

I have an existing dashboard which is the default home page for the org. Users with a specific profile are not able to refresh/run the dashboard and are facing the following error "We can't show ...
Kirito's user avatar
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How to give edit access to certain users for ''File Privacy on Records'' field in content version object

I need to give edit access to certain users for ''File Privacy on Records'' field in content version object but in permission set i couldnt find the object content version and even in field level ...
Zoya's user avatar
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Why do I receive a gack Ids Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1816650657-166082 (-1712909162) when quering UserFieldAccess?

When I try to check user field access for certain fields, I receive two different gack Id errors sf data query -q "SELECT Id, IsAccessible, IsUpdatable FROM UserFieldAccess WHERE DurableId = '...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Is there are way to split users permissions between

Is this possible to control which users have access to which dialogs in one Einstein Bot? Is this possible to control which users have access to which bots? This article
Patlatus's user avatar
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Is there a way to pull a list of fields needing read-only (for lookups) and edit (for create/update) access in order to run a specific flow?

As we transition from profiles to permission sets, I'm being asked to provide a listing of all fields needed in order to run a few certain flows to ensure we have all the permissions we need, and not ...
Katie Schwing's user avatar
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How to make a screen flow available in a public digital experience page?

I've created a new experience from scratch (the LWR Build Your Own template), created a component that implements a screen flow, and added to the home page of the newly created site. The whole thing ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
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What permission a user should have in order to change the territory in Opportunity manually?

I have a business user who is getting Read/Write access to opportunity via sharing rule, but he is not able to change the Territory value in Opportunity. User is getting the error - "insufficient ...
Ashik Shetty's user avatar
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Unable To Access Sandbox from Production Account

I have a brand new Salesforce org and just created a few sandboxes for our dev team. However, none of them are able to login or reset the passwords to their sandboxes since they have never logged in. ...
Ron's user avatar
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quip invalid access token

I'm trying to test the quip API in Python to autogenerate documents. I'm not an admin at my org and I've generated a personal token using in my organization website. The code at the ...
martí's user avatar
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Documents access to limited group of users (related to Account)

I have a requirement There are a group of users who can upload documents on Account (possibly public group) However, the documents uploaded should only be accessible to that group of users and not ...
SEuser's user avatar
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How I can remove access view from a page layout?

I have this page layout where the user "A" it's able to see the fields Name, LastName and Email but User "B" should not be able to see the field Email I try to do it by the perm ...
Moon's user avatar
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Refused to display 'URL' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'

Within the 'My Domain' settings - Authentication Configuration's I have added (as an example) to the Right Frame URL. When I go to our sandbox login page, on ...
h3110's user avatar
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Show Users Related Record Details Without Opening Access

I have what I thought would be a simple requirement to display related record fields on the account from a custom object. However, the related record component on the lightning page requires an update ...
KB2021's user avatar
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Trying to check user permission set from related object validation rule

Submitter field in the object has lookup to the user object. I am trying to create validation rule where only user with a specific custom permission set can be assigned to submitter field. But cannot ...
Gul's user avatar
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SAML - difference between Identity Type and Identity Location

I am implementing Salesforce as a service provider and I am expected to provide some general guidelines to the application which will be set as the identity provider. There is documentation explaining ...
DevelBase2's user avatar
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Differences in Person Account and Contact Access, how is this possible?

We have person account enabled in our org. So our contacts are set to Controlled by parent. I was debugging Insufficient accesss rights on object id, and found out that for Task we have whoId which is ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
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Restrict User Access to Object by Field Value [duplicate]

Is there a way to restrict a user's access to a subset of objects by field value? Essentially I'm trying to create a profile that only has access to orders/accounts/contacts that have a boolean field ...
user3609814's user avatar
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Give access to User.ProfileId without "View Profile and Configuration" permission

I created a flow that has to access the profileId of Order.Owner: But when the user runs the flow, the following error occurs: "An error occurred: The flow failed to access the value for ...
Cline's user avatar
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How to find the parent object of an object(Standard and Custom Object) whose sharing settings are controlled by parent through SOQL/RestiAPi?

For Organization-Wide Defaults Internal Default Access there are objects set as Controlled by Parent. Is there an approach which I can follow to find parent of those standard/custom objects either ...
Kishan Patel's user avatar
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Unable to set object permission

As and admin I have cloned a profile and am trying to restrict the access of the new profile to only several objects. First I want to remove the access to object "Financial goals". I uncheck ...
Alpar.Balo's user avatar
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How to assign field access to multiple permission sets at a time

I have a requirement where i need to provide read and edit access to object fields in 18 different permission sets. This looks like lot of manual work and will consume lot of time. Is there anyway ...
SFDCUser's user avatar
-1 votes
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It is Possible to Generate Access Token without using Username and Password? [closed]

There is any way to generate Access Token Without Using Username and Password not even login on web form also ? Just Using Client Id ,Client Secret or other rather than including password Using REST ...
Vinay Chauhan's user avatar
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Can not access the AccountId field in the flow on Opportunity object

I built a flow on Opportunity in which I was accessing the AccountId standard field. but suddenly now I am not able to access that field from the flow. I checked with the access issues also, I have ...
Yogesh 's user avatar
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How do I restrict access to a specific type of record without turning off "Grant Access Using Hierarchies"

We wish to prevent access up through the Role Hierarchy, when a very specific scenario happens on a custom object. But we are using the Grant Access Using Hierarchies on this object and turning it off ...
TheArchitecta's user avatar
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Give view access to DashBoards in Salesforce

how to add view access to Dashbord in Salesforce for a profile? Why user cant see this dashboard? It is in public folder and on a profile there are enabled 'give view access to reports in public ...
Tema1995's user avatar
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Unable to change 'Default External Access' in Sharing Settings

According to the Optimizer report, we should immediately change the default external access for more than 100 objects. However, if I go to Sharing Settings and click Edit (which is the way to go ...
Sander de Jong's user avatar
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Why doesn't the System user have access to the CollaborationGroup records?

I've created a test class and a simple flow below that illustrates the issue with the System user. Two test methods are doing a simple SOQL query on the CollaborationGroup records (one with a Standard ...
Dr.J's user avatar
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Authenticate users from Desktop app to salesforce [closed]

I have a use case where users have login to salesfroce as well as Desktop app, I have a Windows desktop application where user logs in and i would like to show one of my custom component inside the ...
Arjun Shrivatsa's user avatar
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Hide Certain Objects from Certain Profiles

I have a new profile I created for one particular user that needs access to just a couple of fields on the account and contact tables. I was able to restrict the user from seeing other fields on the ...
Joscelyn's user avatar
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Salesforce - Admin - Object restriction

This question is about Salesforce Object access restriction. Assume that I have one profile that is assigned to 10 different users. I want to restrict an object access for one user alone without ...
Thamizharasi's user avatar
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Granting Account Login Access using Apex

Is there a way to Grant Account Login Acces using Apex? Not through the UI as shown in the screenshot from below. Maybe something using the Tooling API? Or Metadata API? Thank you in advance!
Facundo Hernandez's user avatar
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How to remove access to all files or attachments from a user

Just like I can remove access to a particular object, how can I remove the user's access to Files or Attachments? Right now they can still access it if they use the global search function. I think ...
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How to get fields without access in LWC?

I have a set of field names that I am getting from a FieldSet. And some fields are inaccessible (I closed access for them). But I have to get these fields and output them to the form. How can i do ...
Valentin Romanov's user avatar
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How to Enable Edit access on locked records other than providing "modify all" access

I have a requirement where some specific users need the edit permission on locked contracts (contracts currently under approval) for their market only. Those users are not Sys Admins, they cannot be ...
Aritra Chakraborty's user avatar
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Can I grant view all access to some user for certain record types

Say for cases, I just want to grant view all access to a group of users to some certain record types but not other record types. How should I achieve this? I have tried to grant view all access to ...
Lance Shi's user avatar
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Restricting access to create Reports in Salesforce

We have three different sister companies within our salesforce org. Account and Contacts are readable for all users irrespective of Business units. However, I need to provide create and export report ...
Anonymous123's user avatar
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ActivityHistory Object is not accessible for the Profile Users

I am trying to put a lightning component to show all the past activities associated with the Contact. It is my understanding that if the user has access to the Contact then he should be able to see ...
user81642's user avatar
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How to change the default value of OpportunityAcess in Account Team Member?

When I want to add a member, "Opportunity Access" is automatically filled like "Private". How can I change it and filled automatically like "Read Only"?
Cline's user avatar
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Best Practice: How to restrict access to Communities in Sandbox environments?

We have this scenario: We have multiple sandbox environments that are used to develop and customize communities. Some communities include a public section. Some of these sandbox communities are ...
Christoph's user avatar
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Need to give edit access for all custom object record to same profile but different role

I have one custom object with private OWD and CRUD/View All on profile. There are more than 10 different roles but not in same role hierarchy and I just need to provide edit to all the records for ...
SaurabhRathour's user avatar
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connecting roles to records

In this tutorial, the instructor configures roles hierarchies, but in don't have the same options of what to do with them: tutorial: Who Sees What: Record Access Via Roles (Lightning Experience) Her ...
Luis Aguiar's user avatar
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OpportunityShare not writeable

From udemy's "Salesforce Apex Trigger and Trigger Design Pattern", I'm trying The tutorial #3, called "6. Trigger Example 4". public class OpportunityTriggerHandler { public ...
Luis Aguiar's user avatar
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Store Notes and Attachment as a Attachment

I have Added Notes & Attachment in Related List , So when I upload any svg image , It get stored as a file instead of Attachment . So How can we store that image in Attachment instead of ...
santosh gore's user avatar
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Is data at risk if Salesforce restricts access as a result of overdue invoice?

Does anyone know if data is at risk if Salesforce restricts access as a result of an overdue invoice? We have a number of projects in our Sandbox, as well as vital data in our Org. If restricted, can ...
Sophia's user avatar
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