Can anyone please help me to understand the below code. I am not able to understand how we are extracting value from map on visualforce page.
Actually i am trying to get the size of value list which is associated with respective key in map.
<apex:outputPanel >
<apex:repeat value="{!attributeWrapper.mapAllAttributesLabel}" var="M">
<div>{!attributeWrapper.mapLabels[M].Name} </div>
<apex:repeat value="{!attributeWrapper.mapAllAttributesLabel[M]}" var="attribute">
<apex:outputLink onclick="selectAttribute('{!attribute.attributeLabel.Label__c}','{!attribute.attributeLabel.Attribute__c}');return false;">
<apex:outputLabel value="{!attribute.attributeLabel.Attribute__r.Name}"/>
public with sharing class AttributeWrapper {
public Map<String, List<AttributesLabelWrapper>> mapAllAttributesLabel{
// some code to populate this map
If i do:
I get an error so how do i get the size of value list on VF page?