I need to write a trigger which allows only one primary account for opportunity. I am having a checkbox field in the account. so when i click that check box that account must be the primary account others not.

I don't know how to write the trigger for this?? can anyone help me to fix this??

6 Answers 6


Create a trigger on contact object on insert and update. Get the account I'd of the contact and store it in a variable to I'd type. Then get all the list of contacts and primary checkbox field for that account. Have a loop over all the contacts and see if any of the contacts is set as primary.

If there is already any such contact present then throw an exception . Else allow the contact to get inserted.

Hope this will provide you some idea on how to get started

Regards Ruchi


Try This:

trigger checkaccount on contact(before insert, before update){
    for(contact con : trigger.new){
        if(con.accountId != null){
            Id a = con.accountId;
            list<contact> cList = [SELECT Id, Check_box_name__c FROM Contact where Check_box_name__c = true and AccountId = :a];
            if(cList.size() > 0){
                con.addError('no more primary contacts');

Update Above code, I got SOQL inside for loop, if you wish to avoid that... and also as per the suggestion in below comment:

trigger checkaccount on contact(before insert, before update){

    List<Id> accID = new List<Id>();
    for(contact c : trigger.new){
        if(c.accountId != null){

    List<account> acc = [select id, (select id, Check_box_name__c from contacts where Check_box_name__c = true) from Account WHERE Id In: accID];
 Map<id, boolean> bool = new map<id,boolean>();
    for(account a : acc){
        bool.put(a.id, a.contacts.size()>0 ? true : false);

    for(Contact c : trigger.new){
        if(bool.get(c.AccountId) == true){
            c.addError('no more primary fields');

  • Does not check boundary condition where a trigger.new contains two or more contacts for same account with Primary__c = true. While this might not happen from the UI it could happen in a batch load. Commented Sep 19, 2015 at 21:25

trigger onlyOnePrimaryKey on Contact (before insert, before update) {

//Step 1 :: collect accountId from trigger.new in a set . 
Set<Id> setAccId = new Set<Id>();
for(Contact con : trigger.new){

// STEP 2 :: Query All Accounts and related contacts using inner query .

List<Account> lstAcc = [select id , name,(select id,primaryContact__c from contacts where primaryContact__c = true limit 1)  from account where Id IN:setAccId];

 //STEP 3 :: Construct a map of acc Id and boolean value . 
Map<Id,Boolean> mapOfAccHavingPContact = new  Map<Id,Boolean>();

for(Account acc : lstAcc){
    if(acc.contacts.size() == 1){
for(Contact con : trigger.new){
    if(con.primaryContact__c && mapOfAccHavingPContact.containsKey(con.AccountId)){
        con.primaryContact__c.addError('Selected Account already have primary contact ');



Thanks folks for your reply, got some idea and done a trigger hope It is right. if it is right give me your reply that would encourage me.

Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
    Map<Id,Contact> PrimaryConforAcc = new Map<Id,Contact>();
    Map<Id,String> updatecon = new Map<Id,String>(); 
    List<Contact> oldContactlist = new List<Contact>();       
    if(trigger.IsInsert && trigger.IsBefore) 

        for (Contact newcontact : trigger.new)
            if(newContact.Primary__c == true)
                    newContact.addError('Only one contact can be the primary. uncheck all other Primary custom field');
        if((accountIds !=NULL) && (accountIds.size()>0))
            for (Contact primaryContact : [SELECT Name,Primary__c,AccountId FROM Contact WHERE AccountId IN :accountIds])
                    primaryContact.addError('only one primary contact is possible and already present here');                                                                   

  • Code needs to check both before insert and before update. It is currently only checking inserts. The SELECT ..FROM contact should filter on Primary__c == true. There is no need to check every contact that has Primary__c set to False Commented Sep 19, 2015 at 21:21

Hope this would works. its working for me now.

trigger ContactMap on Contact (before Insert,After Update){ Set accountIdSet = new Set(); Set contactIdSet = new Set(); Map> accIdAndContactListMap = new Map>(); Map accIdAndContactCountMap = new Map();
List oldContactList = new list(); Integer Count =0;
if(trigger.IsInsert && trigger.IsBefore){

    for (Contact newcontact : trigger.new){

        if(newContact.Primary__c == true && newcontact.AccountId!=NULL ){

                newContact.addError('Only one contact can be the primary.Must Not Add all contacts as primary contact');

    if((accountIdSet !=NULL) && (accountIdSet.size()>0)){        
        OldContactList=    [SELECT Name,Primary__c,AccountId 
                            FROM Contact 
                            WHERE AccountId IN :accountIdSet AND Primary__c=TRUE];                                              

        for(Contact cnt : OldContactList){                                                 
        for(Contact newcontact : trigger.new){

            if(newcontact.AccountId!=NULL && accIdAndContactCountMap.containsKey(newcontact.AccountId)){
            Count = accIdAndContactCountMap.get(newcontact.AccountId);
                newcontact.addError('One primary contact is already Available,Inserting another primary contact is not Possible.');

if(trigger.IsUpdate && trigger.IsAfter){
    for(Contact newupContact : Trigger.new){// validation for a particular contact whether it is already primary or not.

        if(newupContact.Primary__c == true && newupContact.AccountId!=NULL &&
         (Trigger.oldmap.get(newupContact.Id).Primary__c == FALSE || 
            Trigger.oldmap.get(newupContact.Id).Primary__c == TRUE )){ //unchecked primary, to check the new value

                    accountIdSet.add(newupContact.AccountId);//primary checkbox newly checked value Id will be here.                                                                                                              
                }else if(accountIdSet.Contains(newupContact.AccountId)){//If two contacts of same id is not allowed                
                    newupContact.addError('When updating or inserting, Only 1 contact can be the primary. uncheck all other Primary custom field');
    if((accountIdSet !=NULL) && (accountIdSet.size()>0))
        OldContactList=    [SELECT Id,Name,Primary__c,AccountId 
                            FROM Contact 
                            WHERE AccountId IN :accountIdSet AND Primary__c=TRUE AND Id NOT IN :contactIdSet];               
        for(Contact cnt : OldContactList){                                
        for(Contact newcontact : trigger.new){

            if(newcontact.AccountId!=NULL && accIdAndContactCountMap.containsKey(newcontact.AccountId)){
            Count = accIdAndContactCountMap.get(newcontact.AccountId);                                
                  newcontact.addError('update is not Possible. one primary contact is allowed for a Account and it is already Available');



trigger PrimaryContactTrigger on Contact (before insert,before update) {
    set<id> accid= new Set<Id>();
        if(trigger.isinsert || trigger.isupdate){   
          for(Contact c:trigger.new){
            if(c.Accountid!=null && c.Primary_Contacts__c==true){
    List<Contact> conList = [Select id,name,Primary_Contacts__c from Contact where Primary_Contacts__c=true and Accountid in:accid];
        if(conList.size()>0) {
        for(Contact c:Trigger.new){
        c.adderror('No more Primary Contacts');

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