When i try to query for AccountContactRole for the Contact who is a Community member. I'm getting an exception. It says that AccountContactRole Not supported for Communities.
10:43:05.203 (203908580)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[71]|System.QueryException: sObject type 'AccountContactRole' is not supported.
10:43:05.204 (204034547)|USER_DEBUG|[90]|DEBUG|Exception Occured
10:43:05.204 (204053966)|SYSTEM_MODE_EXIT|false
This is the Query i want to fetch records for
for(AccountContactRole acr : [SELECT AccountId,Role FROM AccountContactRole where ContactId =: c.Id AND ((Role =: 'Member Approver') OR (Role =: 'Member Requestor'))] ){
system.debug('**ACR ACCOUNTS'+accIds);
Please let me know if there is a workaround on this.