I'm using the Box Toolkit for Salesforce. As you know, in Apex I have to make asynchronous calls to Box. My problem is that sometimes when am performing multiple operation, such as creating a folder, and then using that folder as a parent folder for a set of subfolders I am running into issues. Here is what I am trying to do:
Create the parent folder using the createFolderForRecordId method in the toolkit. This ties the folder to a SFDC record in Box and allows me to display it in the record using the standard Box.com integration tools.
Retrieve the box id for the newly created folder using getFolderIdByRecordId, a method in the Box toolkit that returns the Box folder Id. Since this can take a small amount of time, I use a while loop to keep calling getFolderIdByRecordId until an Id is returned from Box. This delay is causing me issues because it is difficult to get Salesforce to wait for asynchronous calls to complete. I am also concerned about potentially hitting governor limits because of the potential for the while loop to run many times, each time making another callout to Box attempting to retreive the folder Id. My average number of loops as been in the 100-200 loop range before breaking out after receiving the folder Id from box. I also limit on the number of times it can loop, just in case. Bottom line, is I don't like this step. It feels wasteful and clumsy, but I'm not sure how to get SFDC to wait for a few seconds.
Once I have the Box folder Id I update the associated SFDC record with the Box Id which I store in a field.
Here is the code up until this point:
public static void createObjectFolderforRecordId(List<Id> theIds, String objType){
system.debug('-->>Create QSF Folder ' + objType);
if (objType == 'QSF__c') {
List<QSF__c> theQSFs = [SELECT id, Name FROM QSF__c WHERE id IN :theIDs];
system.debug('the QSFs size: ' + theQSFs.size());
for(QSF__c aQSF : theQSFs) {
String qsfFolderId = boxToolkit.createFolderforRecordId(aQSF.Id, aQSF.Name, true);
aQSF.FolderId__c = qsfFolderId;
String existingBoxFolderId = null;
integer br = 0;
while (existingBoxFolderId == null && br < 1000) {
existingBoxFolderId = boxToolkit.getFolderIdByRecordId(aQsf.Id);
system.debug('>>Existing: ' + existingBoxFolderId + ' LoopCount: ' + br);
if (aQSF.FolderId__c != null){
newFolderRecs.add(createDocRootEntry(aQsf.FolderId__c,aQsf.Name, objType, aQsf.Id, null)); //add the new folder into the docRoot custom object which tracks all box activity for any future needs (audit, folder manipulation, etc...)
} //end if
} //end while
update theQSFs; //adds the folderID values into the QSF records
system.debug('-=>newdocrecs: ' + newFolderRecs.size());
insert newFolderRecs;
} //end if (QSF__c)
} // end createClaimantFolder method
- My next step, is to use the folder Id obtained in step 2 to create additional child folders under the folder created in step 1 using the createFolder method from the toolkit and supplying it with the folderid of the parent. However. there are additional issues I'm running into around getting SFDC to wait for this step such as having the code run early, or getting errors on additional asynchonous calls. I'm currently trying this using a Flow that watches the custom field I update in step 3 and launching Apex that attempts to create the folders. Since it is also a callout to Box I have to use an @Future(callout=true) annotation and that is where I'm currently stuck. SFDC is complaining that a Future method being called from a future or batch method. Which isn't my intention but seems to be happening. I would think that since that method above is finished and the Flow is calling the next @future method that creates the subfolders. By definition this can't occur until the record is updated with the folder If that triggers the flow which is the end of the previous @future method.
I'm not writing necessarily to ask you how to fix my specific problem, although advice on that front would be welcome! I am also writing to see if you have solved any similar issues yourselves when working in similar situations. I like the Flow part of the solution but isn't working and I hate the while loop part of the solution and it does work. Isn't coding fun?
Any help would be appreciated!