I've seen this question on here numerous times, but none of the solutions I've found have helped.
I'm trying to authenticate via curl.
I set up a connected App, and retrieved the Client Id and Client Secret
I connected to this URL, cs25 is the node (also tried test.salesforce.com):
curl -v https://cs25.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token -d
"grant_type=password" -d "client_id={client id}" -d "client_secret={client
secret}" -d "username={username}" -d "password={password}{security token}"
Obviously merging in all of the correct values for the sandbox.
The response I'm getting is
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"authentication failure"}
Per another thread, I've set the App to relaxed IP usage, there's no change there.
Is there anything obvious I'm missing here? I've created a case with salesforce to help here, but I wanted to make sure there's not something I can control.