I am trying to implement a validation rule where if an opportunity is closed then there are certain fields have to be edited by a public group users. consider public group as RTS Delivery. my validation rule is below.By using below validation rule user is able to edit all the fields but we need only the mentioned fields in validation rule to be edited remaining fields should not be edited.
AND( $User.X7ticks_Oppty_and_Oppty_Line_Edit_Permis__c == FALSE, Skip_Validation__c ==FALSE,
CONTAINS(TEXT(Opportunity__r.StageName), "Closed") ,
((ISCHANGED( Target_Go_Live_Month__c)) || ( ISCHANGED(MACS_Order__c ))
|| (ISCHANGED( Ready_for_Billing__c)) || ( ISCHANGED(Go_Live_Date__c))),NOT( INCLUDES($User.PublicGroup__c,"RTS Delivery"))