I have an Apex class in my Managed package that contains the standard methods that do most of the work in our application.
Here is a little snipped of the managed package code...
public with sharing class OrderService
public class OrderInfo
public Id OrderID;
public Date returnDate;
public boolean Validated;
public string ValidationMessage;
public static void ValidateCommitOrders(List<OrderInfo> OrderInfos)
a bunch of code here
Now I am working in an Extension Org for a customer of that package and trying to write a test class that attempts to do one of those standard processes.
Here is a snippet of that test class code...
OrderService.OrderInfo OrderInfo = new OrderService.OrderInfo();
OrderInfo.OrderId = objOR1.Id;
List<OrderService.OrderInfo> OrderInfos = new List<OrderService.OrderInfo>{OrderInfo};
And I am getting a compile error.
Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: OrderService.OrderInfo at line 1,058 column 49
(line 1058 is the top line in the test code sample)
Is there a way to using Managed Package apex classes in an org where the package is installed?
Any assistance/direction y'all could provide would be greatly appreciated Angie