I'm writing an integration for a client using the SOAP API in PHP. The client would like to keep notes in Salesforce synchronized with notes in their back office system. In order to do this, I've created a new custom object called ContactNote
that contains an External Id field.
I'm running into issues when converting Leads. Leads cannot be the parent in a Master-Detail relationship, so I'm having to use the Notes that are built into Salesforce until the lead is converted. The trouble is that after converting a Lead, I can no longer find the Notes that were associated with that lead. They show in force.com, but when I query for them using SOQL, I get null back.
Where do those notes live after conversion, and how can I retrieve them?
UPDATE: I've discovered that I cannot retrieve any notes via SOQL that I create in salesforce.com. The notes I've created from the Bulk API or through the Developer Console are retrievable.
UPDATE: I may have figured this out. Something to do with having the Beta Notes enabled perhaps.