Error: There was an error creating Lead 1. Salesforce error:
dlrs_LeadTrigger: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object Class.Helper.populateparnerId: line 23, column 1 Trigger.dlrs_LeadTrigger: line 9, column 1
So I am working on two object:
-Partner object(Custom)
So I have a before insert Trigger on Leads, so when a new Lead is created and Partner Number Field is not blank it has to lookup for Partner_Number_Copy__c field on the Partner Object and return its Partner ID
Following Code works fine if I manually create a lead and provide a Partner Number it is populating a Partner__c field which is a lookup field to Partner object.
But when Leads are created through a Web Form I am receiving the above error.
FYI: Line 26 in the code is l.Partner__c=mapIdByPartner.get(l.Partner_Number__c).id;
public class Helper{
public static void populateparnerId(list<Lead> lstlead){
set<decimal> setpartnerIds=new set<decimal>();
for(Lead l:lstlead){
//Query partner records
map<decimal,Partner__c> mapIdByPartner=new map<decimal,Partner__c>();
for(Partner__c p:[Select Id,Partner_Number_Copy__c from Partner__c where Partner_Number_Copy__c in:setpartnerIds]){
for(lead l:lstlead){
Trigger used (also Line 9 from the error message),
if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isBefore){
if(setpartnerIds.size()>0){ //your code here }
to avoid querying unnecessarily. Also I would confirm that all of your data types for Partner_Number__c and Partner_Number_Copy__c match. When in doubt, add a bunch of debug statements to see what the returned values are.