I am facing an issue where a dependent picklist on a vf page is appearing as disabled in a apex tab, even with its controlling field editable on the page (and selectable). I am finding that with multiple tabs on the screen the dependant picklists are disabled. With a single tab they are displayed. The underlying record is correct (it has the correct recordtype id & field values) & the user I am testing with is a sys admin. Weirdly writing out the value of those dependant picklists (e.g. in an output label) shows that if they had a value the correct one is displayed within the label.
The page I am working on is extremely complex so what I'm really looking for is guidance on whether someone else done something similar successfully.
Note - Simplified Code for illustrative purposes
<apex:page id="testabc" standardController="Account" extensions="example1, example2" sidebar="true" showheader="true" title="test">
<apex:pageBlock id="testpage" title="sample">
<apex:form id="testForm">
<apex:outputpanel id="testPanel">
<apex:tabPanel switchType="ajax" value="{!selectedTab}" id="tabPanel" activeTabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab">
<apex:tab label="tab1" name="tab1">
<apex:inputField value={!test.controllingField} />
<apex:inputField value="{!test.dependantField}" />
<apex:tab label="tab2" name="tab2">
<apex:inputField value="{!test.controllingField}"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!test.dependantField}" />
Upon loading the dependant picklist is unselectable. Even more odd is if I add a <apex:ouputField value="{!test.dependantField}" />
within "tab1" it is editable on load but upon switching tabs it again is unselectable.
EDIT 1: When the controlling field is changed the dependent field is being successfully re-rendered (without errors in logs or UI) but is still unselectable.