I'm getting up to speed with Apex - I have written a trigger that works, but is this the approach that an experienced coder would take?
I have a custom object (vist_detail__c) which has a lookup to Contracts. We create tasks on the custom object. I want an alert when the task date is beyond the Contract end date.
(The commenting shows that I began by adding the trigger.new IDs to a set but then I couldn't figure out how to access the Task date to compare with Contract end date so I dropped the set idea)
trigger MaCwTaskTriggerTest on Task (after insert, after update) {
system.debug('Hey Dude');
// Set<Id> cwIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Task aTask: Trigger.new)
// cwIds.add(aTask.WhatId);
// system.debug('Added to set: '+aTask.WhatId);
// }
// for (Id i : cwIds) {
// system.debug('Id in list is '+i);
vist_Detail__c vD = [SELECT contract__r.endDate FROM vist_Detail__c
WHERE Id = :aTask.WhatId];
Date cEndDate = vD.contract__r.endDate;
system.debug('Contract end date: '+cEndDate);
if (aTask.ActivityDate > cEndDate) {
system.debug('Task Date greater than Contract end date');
else {
system.debug('Task Date less than or equal to Contract end date');
It works, but is it best practice?
Any suggestions on how best to alert a user? The task is created by workflow. I can't see a situation where these tasks would be created in bulk in which case would emailing user be sensible? I have the Apex for that.
Many Thanks, Mike.