as I writing a test class, I come across this error as I am attempting to save my file.
Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from String to Boolean at line 15 column 13
Are there any adjustments, I need to make to my code.
Many Thanks
@isTest public class ContactLookupControlTest { static testMethod void validateContactLookupControl() { Contact c = new Contact(); c.FirstName = 'Paul'; c.LastName = 'Reid'; c.MailingStreet = '205 Hill Street'; c.MailingCity = 'Los Angeles'; c.MailingState = 'CA'; c.MailingPostalCode = '90015'; c.Email = '[email protected]'; c.HOC__Registration_Status__c = 'Not Registered'; c.Volunteer__c = 'FALSE'; c.npe01__Type_of_Account__c = 'Individual'; c.HOC__Minor_Wavier_on_File__c = 'FALSE'; c.HOC__HOC_Domain_Name__c = ''; c.HOC__Disabled_Person__c = 'FALSE'; c.HOC__Calculated_Birthdate__c = 'FALSE'; c.HOC__Confirmed_Organizer__c = 'FALSE'; c.HOC__Number_of_Contacts__c = '1.0'; insert c; Test.StartTest(); PageReference pageRef = Page.ContactLookupControl; // Add your VF page Name here pageRef.getParameters().put('lksrch', 'Paul'); ContactLookupControl obj = new ContactLookupControl(); ='Test'; ='TestLast'; obj.saveContact(); String str = obj.getFormTag(); Test.StopTest(); } }