I have a custom object Object_X, which has a checkBox field Activate__c. My requirement is that only one Object_X type record can have the Activate__c checked at any given time. So if Object_X already has a record with Activate__c checked, another record with Activate__c checked should not be allowed to be created.

I already have a trigger for this but I'm wondering if there is a way this can be easily achieved by a validation rule.

  • who can edit the activate flag, and how many times do you think the activate flag on the record needs to be changed?
    – Rao
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 22:45
  • Anyone who has access to the Object_x can edit the Activate flag. There is no limit of number of times the flag can change, only that if the flag of one record changes I need to check all other Object_X records in the table to see if there is another record before allowing to save it
    – navD87
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 22:52

4 Answers 4


Disclaimer: Trigger may be the best route for the given situation.

AFAIK You cannot iterate over a set of records using validation rule.Can the activate flag be edited by anyone in the system? If so I would stick to trigger approach, else I can think of a crazy solution which might be an alternative to code approach but more maintenance for the admin every time the flag is changed on the object X.

Step1: Create a custom label which holds the Id of the opportunity where activate = true.

Step2 : Create a validation rule to check both new opptys and updates to existing oppty.

        Activate__c = true
        Id != $Label.custom_label_name,
        ISCHANGED(Activate__c ),
        Activate__c = true 

One other validation rule approach would work if the Object_x is a detail in a master detail relationship. You could count the number of detail records that have the Activate__c = true. Then create a validation rule to fire when the count is greater than one.


If you want to ensure only one active record in your entire org, I would use a trigger that uses a service class like below:

public without sharing class ObjectServices
{ // This should be enforced even if someone doesn't have the right visibility
    public static Boolean hasActiveObject
            if (hasActiveObject == null)
                hasActiveObject = [
                    SELECT count() FROM Object_X__c WHERE Activate__c = true
                ] > 0;
            return hasActiveObject;
        private set;

    public static void validateActiveObjects(List<Object_X__c> records)
        if (!hasActiveObject) return;
        for (Object_X__c record : records)
            if (record.Activate__c)

You can check like this

    List<Object__x> objList = [SELECT ID,Activate__c WHERE Activate__c = true];
   here you can insert new record in Object__x

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