I want to pass a dynamic parameter from a Visualforce into a custom apex controller. This parameter is in a table and will have a Contact's id associated with each row on the button that is being pressed to execute my custom function. The problem I'm having right now is that it demands that I pass in an expression.
This is the signature I'm trying to use - public PageReference addMemberToCase(string memberID)
And it's going to be executed via a command button. So I'd want the apex code to look like this - <apex:commandButton value="Add to Case" styleClass="btn btn-primary addBtn" id="memberID=SomehowDynamicID?" action="{!addMemeberToCase({!a.contact.id})}"/>
Here's a photo of a row that I'm trying to create TABLE ROW
public PageReference addMemberToCase(string memberID)
And it's going to be executed via a command button. So I'd want the apex code to look like this -<apex:commandButton value="Add to Case" styleClass="btn btn-primary addBtn" id="memberID=SomehowDynamicID?" action="{!addMemeberToCase({!a.contact.id})}"/>
. That sounds quite stateful.