I have a list view button on Opportunity Line Items related list. I want to select multiple opp line items and then pass those ids to a visualforce page. StandardSetController does not work for opportunity line items. Please tell me what could be the possible ways to do it ?

1 Answer 1


Not sure if there is anything that blocks this for your case, but generally you can pass the ID values to your Visualforce page by adding a “List Button” with “Display Checkboxes” checked that has behavior “Execute JavaScript” and content source “OnClickJavaScript”:

var ids = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.OpportunityLineItem)};
if (ids.length) {
    if (ids.length <= 100) {
        window.location = '/apex/YourVisualforcePage?ids=' + ids.join(',');
    } else {
        alert('Select 100 or less');
} else {
    alert('Select one or more Products');

Your controller can then access these using code such as this:

public String[] ids {
    get {
        if (ids == null) {
            String s = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ids');
            ids = s != null ? s.split(',') : new String[] {};
        return ids;
    private set;

A bit more information here - How to pass a large number of selections from a standard list view to a Visualforce page.

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