I cloned an existing project on my local and I would like to deploy the changes I'm doing into my dev account, this is a fresh new account.
I'm using sublime-text with mavensmate and I created the connection with my account and token but I cannot compile or deploy the app.
Moreover when I try to compile I get this error :
Result: [DEPLOYMENT FAILED]: SendOpportunityController.cls: sObject type 'Customer_Method__c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. (Line: 208, Column: 29)
and many like this ...
I also get Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation
but I think it's related to the previous error.
is there a way to deploy this code from sublimetext to a new developer org in one hit?