I am implementing an interface from where you can update & insert records in SFDC, through a CSV file.
After I process the files accordingly to my specifications, I want to perform an Update and Insert operation over 2 collections, that contain my target records.
What I want to do, is to check the operation result, so the Update Result and Insert Result, through Database.SaveResult object instances. I am interested more in the error scenarios, like for example, this record was not commited in db due to an unknown parent(Parent not found). *For this scenario, sr.getMessage() returns: "Foreign key external ID: [value of Ext ID] not found for field [Ext Id api field name of the Parent] in entity [Api Parent Name]".
I want to know if is there a way to "know" all the possible errors that the getMessage() method, might return, so I can translate them in a mor customizable way.
Thank you guys! Cheers. E.