How to query more than 50000 records (78000 records) in apex and bind it in vf page in jqgrid and implement paging in it?
I tried querying through SOQL and assigning it to list.. Am unable to query more than 50000 records.
I tried offset but unfortunately offset doesnt accept more than 2000 as the number..
Tried database.getquerylocator and standardsetcontroller, but its returning only 10000 records and am able to bind it to jqgrid.
How to bind all the 78000 records to the page in jqgrid with paging (max 100 records per page)?
I have pasted the code below and in my assetcontroller am not able to give soql limit more than 10000. And I have even tried hitting the 100th Page (with each page having 100 records) and did con.getrecords() and again if I tried con.hasnext() it returns false, so it doesnt go beyond 10000 records at all..
@Jordan will it work if i give @remoteAction? if so what attributes (ex: datatype,url) do i need to change in my jqgrid ? and what else i need to do in my code?
// Visualforce page containing JQGrid :-
//Note AssetGridPage is a dummy page which will only return JSONresult given by the
//controller and it is of contentType="application/x-JavaScript; charset=utf-8"
var objectList = j$("#objectList").jqGrid(
url: JQGridurl,
colNames: eval(ColNames),
colModel: eval(ColModel),
pager: '#objectListpager2',
toppager : true,
rownumbers: true,
gridview: true,
altRows: true,
enableSearch: false,
viewrecords: true,
sortname: 'AssetID',
sortorder: 'desc',
// Asset Controller Code
// Getter Method: JSONResult
public String getJSONResult()
return returnJson;
public PageReference PageLoad()
Map<string,string> params = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters();
if(params != null)
PageNum = Integer.ValueOf((params.get('page') != null)?params.get('page'):'1');
PageSize = Integer.ValueOf((params.get('rows') != null)?params.get('rows'):'100');
CurrentPage = Integer.ValueOf((params.get('page') != null)?params.get('page'):'1');
PageNum = 1;
PageSize = 100;
CurrentPage = 1;
return null;
public void populateAssetSource()
Decimal RecCount = 0;
String SOQL = 'SELECT AssetID__c, AssetDescription__c FROM Asset__c limit 10000';
con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator(SOQL));
// sets the number of records in each page set
if(con != null)
AllSearchAssets = getAllAssets((List<Asset__c>)con.getRecords());
RecCount = con.getResultSize();
String JSONString = JSON.serialize(AllSearchAssets);
returnJson = '{"total":' + '"' + ((PageSize==0 && RecCount ==0)?0:(RecCount/PageSize).round(system.roundingMode.CEILING)) +'",';
returnJson += '"page":' + '"' + ((RecCount == 0)?0:CurrentPage) +'",';
returnJson += '"records":' + '"' + RecCount +'",';
returnJson += '"rows" : ' + JSONString + '}';
returnJson = '{"total":"0","page":"0","records":"0","rows" : []}';
The following code is in AssetGridPage.. empty page which is hit by the jqgrid
<apex:page controller="AssetController" action="{!PageLoad}"
contentType="application/x-JavaScript; charset=utf-8" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false">
@joshbirk so you are saying something like this?
List<asset__c> lstasset1 = Database.getquerylocator(Select id from asset__c where createddate > 'July-1-2012' and createddate < 'Aug-1-2012');
List<asset__c> lstasset2 = Database.getquerylocator(Select id from asset__c where createddate > 'Aug-1-2012' and createddate < 'Sep-1-2012');
And in the wrapper class of listasset1, add some pagenumber or some equivalent field. Foreach 100 increment the pagenumber variable.
Bind this lstasset1 to page based on some querystring filter and show only the 100. this is what you are saying right? if this is the case I cant go for a sorting of list. is there a possiblity to sort a list of wrapperclass type?
And one more limit we will be hitting is no. of query rows. we cant have more than 50000 records queried per transaction :(
So I guess even this solution wouldnt work.. Any Suggestions?