I found a workaround to do this, however, there are a few minor tweaks I need to determine in my formula structure.
I created this formula, which concatenates and populates data based on if this field has valid
IF(ISBLANK(Gators__c),""," "&TEXT(Gators__c) & " Gators ")& IF(ISBLANK(Paracords__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Paracords__c) & " Paracords ")& IF(ISBLANK(Cool_Ties__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Cool_Ties__c) & " Cool Ties ")& IF(ISBLANK(Phone_Cards__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Phone_Cards__c) & " Phone Cards ")& IF(ISBLANK(Gift_Cards__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Gift_Cards__c) & " Gift Cards worth &TEXT(Gift_Cards_Value__c) ")& IF(ISBLANK(Total_Letters__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Total_Letters__c)& " Letters ")& IF(ISBLANK(Girl_Scout_Cookies__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Girl_Scout_Cookies__c) & " Girl Scout Cookies ")& IF(ISBLANK(Food_And_Snacks__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Food_And_Snacks__c) & " Food And Snack Items ")& IF(ISBLANK(Toys_Animals_Bears__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Toys_Animals_Bears__c)& " Toys, Animals And Bears ")& IF(ISBLANK(Beanie_Babies__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Beanie_Babies__c)& " Beanie Babies ")& IF(ISBLANK(Hats__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Hats__c) & " Hats " )& IF(ISBLANK(Scarves__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Scarves__c)& " Scarves ")& IF(ISBLANK(Video_Games__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Video_Games__c)& " Video Games ")& IF(ISBLANK(CDs_DVDs__c),"", ", "&TEXT(CDs_DVDs__c)& " CD's & DVD's ")& IF(ISBLANK(Candy_lbs__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Candy_lbs__c)& " Lbs of Candy ")& IF(ISBLANK(Recyclables__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Recyclables__c)& " Recyclable Items ")& IF(ISBLANK(Other_Special_Items__c),"", ", "&TEXT(Other_Special_Items__c)& " Other Items ")
Ultimately, here's the result I get
13 Gators , 16 Paracords , 14 Cool Ties , 1 Phone Cards , 3 Gift Cards worth &TEXT(Gift_Cards_Value__c) , 42 Letters , 5 Girl Scout Cookies , 7 Food And Snack Items , 8 Toys, Animals And Bears , 2 Beanie Babies , 15 Hats , 17 Scarves , 19 Video Games , 20 CD's & DVD's , 21 Lbs of Candy , 23 Recyclable Items , 22 Other Items
So basically, while the formula is near perfect, I am looking to determine a way to omit the first comma in the formula (for instance If I provide no value in Gators, it reads , 16 Paracords...), and if possible include an and preceding the last value (i.e. and 22 Other Items) Ideally, I vision something that looks like this....
"16 Paracords and 22 Other Items"
This as a result concatenates the data into a digestible, readable result, which can be included in printed documentation, mail-merge letters and the like. If it isn't possible, no big deal.
Additionally, I am also determining a way to populate the value "Gift Cards Value" within the text so it reads i.e. "1 Gift Card worth $1.00).
Thanks very much.