I have been working on translating a Salesforce org using its Translation Workbench for a few days, and I finally found myself pleased with the translations I did. For your information, the translation was done was from PT_BR to EN_US (that is, Portuguese from Brazil to English from United States).
So far so good, I had some initial issues with describing them in the package.xml used by Ant to retrieve from my development org to deploy to the testing org. I figured out I had to put not only the CustomLabel
tag, but also the Translations
tag. Not very happy, but at least I got the pretty en_US.translation file in my directory now.
Now I face the following issue: my deployment does not deploy the translations. I have the Translations and CustomLabel tags in my package.xml, and they simply don't work. One thing I noticed, though, was that the name of the app I'm trying to deploy was translated ("Minha Aplicação" > "My Application"), but everything else (custom fields, tabs) wasn't translated.
I already changed my profile's language to English in the target org, and the parts of the System that are Salesforce-defaults are translated (buttons like Setup, Develop, etc).
Does anyone know what to do in this case? Will I have to translate everything again in the target org?