The Knowledge object I am working with has 5 Article Types and I want to create a Community VF page that will show the 2-3 most recently published articles for each article type. I am not able to use the VF standard component " knowledge:articleList " because it has a max number of calls per page of 4. Is there a way I can work around that limit? Is this a soft limit that support may possibly increase if asked?
i assume that putting a "see more" link at the bottom of the page that takes you to article types 5-8 was considered?– cropredyCommented Feb 17, 2016 at 0:02
Not really only because for this project I wanted all of them on the same page. What I did to get around the limitation is I used the component for 4 of the article types and then developed a quick custom controller to get the 5th one.– JasonCommented Feb 18, 2016 at 15:27
that works -- you should post your options and ultimate solution as an 'answer' here– cropredyCommented Feb 18, 2016 at 16:32
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The solution I used to solve this problem was to use the knowledge:articleList VF Component for the first 4 Article Types and then I used this custom Controller for the 5th one and any future ones if needed on this page
public with sharing class ShowArticleType {
private final KnowledgeArticleVersion[] articles;
public ShowArticleType() {
articles = [SELECT Id, UrlName, Title, Summary, LastPublishedDate, ArticleType
FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion
WHERE PublishStatus= 'Online'
AND Language = 'en_US'
AND ArticleType = 'User_Guides__kav'
ORDER by LastPublishedDate DESC
public KnowledgeArticleVersion[] getArticles() {
return articles;