I've been embarking on the wonderous journey of learning AngularJS for Salesforce, and I've been trying to work out how to install ngForce on my sandbox org. I've seen this question but as I don't have a commandline background, I'm struggling a bit with how and where to run the grunt deploy
command mentioned by the inestimable Kevin Poorman.
I've got node.js installed on my PC, and I think I've "cloned the ngForce repo" on my own machine (I have the files downloaded in a directory, at any rate!). I have run the command npm install -g grunt-cli
in my node.js command prompt - is this enough to use Grunt?
As you can see above, I can see a JS file called "GruntFile" in the ngForce directory. But running the grunt deploy
command in the node.js command prompt gives me the error: "Fatal error: unable to find local grunt."
I'm not sure whether I've installed Grunt in the wrong place, or if I need to do something else - any guidance gratefully received!
Thanks, Charlotte