Our cases have most often 3-5 files attached.

On the Case page, I can see the files listed.

Is there a way to download ALL attachments together? With out the need to click on each of them?

  • 1
    Not sure what do you mean as 1 file. If you want to retrieve a list of attachments on a Case, you can simply query the Attachment object, like, List<Attachment> attlist = [select id, body from attachment where parentid = 'CaseId'];
    – Jia Hu
    Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 15:43
  • 1
    Try combining a JS query (help.salesforce.com/apex/… , GETRECORDIDS etc samples for AJAX toolkit) with something like biesiad.github.com/multiDownload?
    – eyescream
    Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 16:28

2 Answers 2


Are you ok using an AppExchange app to address your requirements? if yes, then there's a paid app available on AppExchange Mass File Download, its perfect solution to mass-download files/attachments related to a record or multiple records in just 1-2 clicks.

Check out app @ https://sforce.co/34thF8U (AppExchange URL)


You can export all notes and attachments using open-source sfdx-hardis plugin command

  • First, define a files export

sfdx hardis:org:configure:files

When prompted for SOQL request, you can input SELECT Id,Name FROM Case

  • Then, run the files export

sfdx hardis:org:files:export

More details in this article

enter image description here

Disclaimer: My company authors sfdx-hardis plugin

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