Following to my previous question - Merge Accounts based on Account Number.
I have written a Visualforce page with a selectable table list of Accounts. When selecting the accounts and pressing the action Button I've added - it's calling a PageReference Method that direct the user to the standard Merge Account Page link and will transfer the Id's of the selected accounts as parameters.
This is nice since I extended the standard Merge page Criterias with my Queries..and I don't need to find duplicates based only on the Account Name.
So Basically I want to populate the following link with selected account Id's.
Problem is that when I'm building the URL String and hit the button - the URL get messed up.
For Example :
public PageReference mergeAccounts () {
String mergeURL = '/merge/accmergewizard.jsp?';
String pageURL ='goNext=+Next+';
String accIdvar = '&' + cid + '=';
String URLAccount1 = accIdvar + selectedAccounts[0].Id;
String URLAccount2 = accIdvar + selectedAccounts[1].Id;
String URL = mergeURL + pageURL + URLAccount1 + URLAccount2;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(URL.escapeHtml4());
return pageRef;
The result URL when using this method is :
So I need to encode it somehow and escape the '&' and the '=' - those Special chars thats seems to be the ones that creates the problem - the link is backward and has been cut off.
Suggestions anyone? escape the '&' without messing up the URL?