I have a custom profile. I want that profile users to able to export data using "Data Export" link under setup menu. But that link is not visible to that user. How can I make that link visible to my user.

1 Answer 1


The help says that the profile needs the 'Data Export' permission, but unfortunately there isn't a permission with that name. There is, however, a 'Weekly Data Export' permission - if you enable that permission for the custom profile, that will allow access to the Data Export setup option.

One point to note, from the help:

Users with the “Data Export” permission can view all exported data and all custom objects and fields in the Export Service page. This permission is granted by default only to the System Administrator profile because it enables wide visibility.

  • Thanks for reply, but my license type is salesforce platform.
    – doga
    Commented Jan 18, 2013 at 11:05
  • 3
    That would have been useful information in the question - the Weekly Data Export permission is not available to the platform user license so you can't make this functionality available to users with that license. Commented Jan 18, 2013 at 11:20

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