I need to launch SalesForce URLs from a non-SalesForce app to get things done. I can easily launch to login: h++ps://[email protected]&pw=mypass
And once logged in, I can launch another URL to populate 3 fields. h++ps://na15.salesforce.com/003/e?con13=8887230515&name_lastcon2=Unknown&con10=18667230515
Both of these work just fine. But I want to do both operations. I have found that I can use this to login and populate one field: h++ps://[email protected]&pw=mypass&startURL=https://na15.salesforce.com/003/e?con13=8887230515
But when I try to do anymore than one field - only the first field is populated. h++ps://[email protected]&pw=mypass&startURL=https://na15.salesforce.com/003/e?con13=8887230515&name_lastcon2=Unknown&con10=18667230515
Is there a way to launch one URL that will login, redirect to a new Contact page and pre-populate more than 1 field?
Thanks - Scott