I am currently evaluating Jitterbit 8.1 (Full version, 30 day eval).
In need to query SFDC for 4 custom field values from Opportunity records where Stage pickval ="...".
Each record must be POSTed as a single SOAP request to a 3rd party Web Service.
Cannot send more than 1 record to the 3rd party Web Service
Jitterbit (Full) is capable of querying SFDC records, but it defaults to sending multiple (all queried) within the Request file.
Although there is a chunking/record-limiting option at the operation level, (which should be configurable to send 1 record per file), it is grayed out for my SFDC query operation.
Was thinking that I could either send a Workflow triggered Outbound message to Jitterbit, or have an after-insert trigger do it for me (sounds better everytime I think about it).
How is the Listener created in Jitterbit?
Thanks in advance for any helpful tips.