I’m working on tagging child objects with a checkbox and a date/time field. The checkbox is working. What I am trying to do now, is fill out a date/time field when the checkbox “included in PO” is checked.
I have an insert-update field that grabs the NOW() timestamp on a DDP creation. The child object then has a formula of
IF(CreatedDate <= Estimate__r.CompOne_PO_Created__c, TRUE, FALSE)
to automatically check the box when that DDP is run.
I then created a workflow rule (Repair Material: Included in CompOne POEQUALSTrue)
and a field update to add the timestamp to a “date added to PO” field. For some reason, this last field update will not work.
It only works if the DDP is run and then I edit the object. It will not add the date if the formula does it. Any ideas?