Im testing an apex class that I got from
Jeff Douglas' page
but the I'm getting a "Error Error: Compile Error: line 61:76 no viable alternative at character '%' at line 61 column 76"
soql = 'select firstname, lastname,, interested_technologies__c from contact where != null';
if (!firstName.equals(''))
soql += ' and firstname LIKE ''+String.escapeSingleQuotes(firstName)+'%'';
if (!lastName.equals(''))
soql += ' and lastname LIKE ''+String.escapeSingleQuotes(lastName)+'%'';
if (!accountName.equals(''))
soql += ' and LIKE ''+String.escapeSingleQuotes(accountName)+'%'';
if (!technology.equals(''))
soql += ' and interested_technologies__c includes (''+technology+'')';
I already created a Interested Technologies picklist. What am I doing wrong? Please advise thanks