I have test class for a batch the test class is not covering the execute method of batch. Does anyone have any idea what is the reason for this. My batch class :
global class updateOwner_StatusNurtureBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
String Commercial_RecordTypeID = 'RecordTypeID'; // Commercial Record Type ID
String StatusName = 'StatusName'; // Status
String CommNutrure_QueueID = 'QueueID'; // COMM-NURTURE Queue ID
List<Lead> leadUpdate_Lsit = new List<Lead>(); // Lead list for update
String soql;
String query = 'SELECT Ownerid From Lead Where RecordTypeID = :Commercial_RecordTypeID and Status = :StatusName and OwnerID != :CommNutrure_QueueID';
global updateOwner_StatusNurtureBatch(String query) {
this.soql = query;
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator(soql);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Lead> scope){
system.debug('scope : ' + scope);
//Loop through result
for(Lead l : scope){
lead le = new lead();
le.Id = l.id;
le.Ownerid = CommNutrure_QueueID;
system.debug(' Lead Update List ' + leadUpdate_Lsit);
update leadUpdate_Lsit;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
My test class for this code batch :
public class updateOwner_StatusNurtureBatch_Test {
public static testmethod void updateOwner_StatusNurtureBatch_Test(){
//List<Lead> lList = new List<Lead>();
// lList.add(l1);
string rID = 'RecordTypeID';
String Sta = 'Status';
String owner = 'ownerId';
String query = 'SELECT Ownerid From Lead Where RecordTypeID = ';
query += '\''+rID+ '\' and Status = ';
query += '\''+Sta+'\' and OwnerID != ';
query += '\''+owner+'\'';
updateOwner_StatusNurtureBatch updateOwnerRunBatch = new updateOwner_StatusNurtureBatch(query);
ID resultID = Database.executeBatch(updateOwnerRunBatch, 2);
system.debug('Result ID : ' + resultID);
//updateOwnerRunBatch.execute(null, lList);
What is wrong here why I am not able to cover the execute method. Please help me.