I'm new to salesforce, apex and visualforce so please forgive me if I'm asking a dumb question.
I'd like to have into a visualforce page a list of all events and related account (if any) of the current user. For that, if I understood correctly, the easiest way is to have a custom Wrapper Object that encapsulate Event and Account.
Now, the problem is how to populate the list of the EventAccountWrapper list in an elegant way. I think it could be done with only one SOQL query with a Right Outer Join but the polymorphic entity of Event.whatId relation with the Account is making my brain to crash out.
Right now this is what I'm doing:
- retrive all events
- find out all events whatid property
- retrive all accounts that are in what ids
- cycle through all the events and construct the wrapper object
Right now this is my actual code inside the controller:
public class EventAccountWrapper {
public Account account { get; private set; }
public Event event { get; private set; }
public eventAccountWrapper(Event e, Account a) {
this.account = a;
this.event = e;
public EventAccountWrapper[] eventAccounts {
get {
List<EventAccountWrapper> ret = new List<EventAccountWrapper>();
Event[] events = [
select subject,whatid,startdatetime,enddatetime
from event
where ownerid =: UserInfo.getUserId()];
List<Id> whatIds = new List<Id>();
for(Event e : events) {
Map<Id, Account> accounts = new Map<Id, Account>([
select id, name, phone
from account
where account.id in :whatIds]);
for(Event e : events) {
EventAccountWrapper w;
if( accounts.containsKey(e.whatid) ) {
w = new EventAccountWrapper(e, accounts.get(e.whatid));
} else {
w = new EventAccountWrapper(e, null);
return ret;
private set;
How can I optimize it?