I have created a site, and using site i have deployed that on salesforce, so that user can use that site without salesforce credentials.
But Apex code does not run on homepage and runs on every other page.
i have checked the functionality through inspect element tool, and it displays that no apex code is rendered.
Does anyone knows what is the issue? please help me out of this.
Thanks in Advance.
Please Refer to My site, u ll find problem. https://shoppers-developer-edition.ap2.force.com/ShopNow/HomePage
the Problem is in the slider. === code for controller=====
public class navMenuContoller {
public List<Offer__c> offerList = new List<Offer__c>();
public List<Offer__c> tempofferList = new List<Offer__c>();
public List<Offer__c> getOfferList() {
tempofferList = [Select Name, Discount__c, Start_Date__c, End_Date__c, Image__c from Offer__c];
for(Offer__c o:tempofferList ){
return offerList;
=== code for slider ====
<apex:repeat value="{!offerList}" var="ol">
<apex:outputLink value="/ShopNow/showProducts?offerName={!ol.Name}" >
<apex:image url="{!ol.Image__c}"/>